(no subject)

Feb 16, 2007 21:50

When is LJ gonna pull its head out of its ass and start giving us the things we want instead of the crap they think we want? I don't need more voiceposts or more storespace for pictures. I don't need another instant messenger. I can't use most of the phone possibilities because I'm not in the US and neither are a big percent of LJ users. These things do not serve me (because it's all about ME! lol) and still I'm paying for them.

What I DO need and want is the option to edit comments and MORE USERPICS!! I don't mind paying for them as long as I can have them. And while we're on the subject, 40 kb is awfully stingy for an icon. I mean, look at this gorgeous thing by nyaubaby.

Isn't that just one of the most wonderful icons you've ever seen? Except it's 140 KB and so it can't be used on LJ. I'm so in love with it though I'm thinking of putting it in my userinfo or something, just so I can stare at it. She's got lots more so run on over and check them out.

Ok, rant over. I wrote today. Lots. I almost finished Sam's version of Five Times Dean Was Saved And One Time He Wasn't, just need to find a good ending to the last one. Also worked on a couple of drabbles but didn't like them.

caoilainn, all the ideas I came up with for the icon you gave me have been written before and far better by others. I scrolled through your other icons but nothing really hit me. Maybe I'm just not in a drabble mood at the moment, I don't know. Hope it's okay if it takes a while.

mygothangel, I have an idea for yours but it refused to co-operate today. I'm gonna try again tomorrow.

hellziggy... Yeah, I've got nothing. I will though, just... give me a little time.

I'm watching Tall Tales again!! Wheee!!

tv: supernatural, icons, lj, writing

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