Am I understanding
this correctly?
Loyalty Userpics are extra userpics given to paid users as a reward for their paid account history with the site. You receive an additional userpic for each of the following:
* For every three months of paid time you (or another person) purchase for your account.
* For every continuous 12 months of paid time applied to your account
If I pay for three months I get one loyalty userpic..
If I let the automatic payment I have automatically pay for twelve months I still only get one loyalty userpic.
Shouldn't I get four? I've been looking forward to getting four. *pouts* So what, I should uncheck automatic payments and just buy three months at a time so I can get more userpics? Because I need those way more than I want to save a few bucks.
mygothangel, sweetie. Thank you! I wasn't asking for anything, really. I hope you didn't think I was. I was just confused about the icons. But you are so kind, so kind, darling. I'm blushing here. Thank you so very much. *loves you hard and long* I want to write you something, drabble or ficlet. Anything special you want?]