7 SPN drabbles. Sam/Dean. NC-17

Oct 16, 2006 01:17

All right here you go. Some of these are spoilery for season 2 (first two episodes) so they're going behind a cut.

for verav 200 words. Set after Scarecrow. Icon by tinamishi

Good Enough To Eat

“Dude, are you kidding me? What makes you think I’d even wanna look at another apple after all that shit?”

“Who said anything about looking?”

The bandana slips over the bridge of Dean’s nose, blinding him, just as he catches the wicked glint in Sam’s eyes. He opens his mouth to protest and the sweet smell of apple fills his nostrils as the fruit is thrust in between his teeth. He bites down and fresh apple juice slides over his chin and along his tongue down his throat.

Sam licks the juice slowly off Dean’s skin then pushes him down on the bed, pulling his arms up. Dean grabs the railing, quick nasal breathing as Sam slips the belt from the hoops of his jeans and then wraps it around his wrists. Belt free Dean’s jeans slide off easily, leaving him in only his boxer briefs and t-shirt, riding up his belly.

“Look at you.” Sam laughs a low seductive chuckle that makes Dean squirm and his cock jump. “No wonder they were gonna sacrifice you. I’m surprised they didn’t eat you.”

Dean feels a bit like a roasted pig but who cares as long as it’s Sam devouring him.

for bayouskye 100 words. Set between ep. 201 and 202. Icon by bayouskye

One More Burden

Dean blames him. Which is so insane Sam doesn’t even know how to react. As if he isn’t feeling guilty enough about dad and Jess and mom and who knows how many others that have died because of him. Now he has to feel guilty for wrecking the damn car?

Not that Dean actually says anything but Sam knows. It’s in the looks Dean shoots him as he runs his fingers over every scratch, every twisted piece of metal, while limping his way around the wreck.

Isn’t until later Sam realises it wasn’t about the car at all. Or him.

"Еще одно бремя" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Дин обвиняет его. Это безумие, Сэм даже не знает как реагировать. Как будто ему недостаточно вины за папу и Джесс, за маму и бог знает скольких людей, умерших из-за него. Теперь он еще виноват в том, что разбил чертову машину?

Нет, Дин ничего не говорит, но Сэм знает. Упрек скрывается в каждом взгляде Дина, когда он, прихрамывая, обходит искореженную машину и проводит пальцами по каждой царапине, каждой вмятине.

Лишь позже Сэм понимает, дело вовсе не в машине. И не в нем.

for siberian_skys 100 words. Spoiler for ep. 201. Icon by trustygeek

What Lies Beneath

Dean finds himself watching Sam, staring at him with a mix of dread and wonder. The strong jaw, the wide nostrils, that mole on the side of his nose. The vacant eyes. He wonders what Sam’s thinking; if he’s remembering Jess or dad or worrying about his place in the Demon’s big scheme.

Or if he’s maybe, just maybe, thinking of Dean. The kiss they shared that morning, the sex they had last night. The words Dean mumbled in Sam’s ear without even realizing until they were out. The answer he didn’t get even if he knew Sam was awake.

"То, что скрыто внутри" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Дин ловит себя на том, что наблюдает за Сэмом, вглядывается в него одновременно с ужасом и восхищением. Сильный подбородок, широкие ноздри, родинка на боку носа. Пустые глаза. Интересно, о чем Сэм думает: вспоминает Джесс или волнуется о своей роли в большой игре Демона?

Или возможно, вероятно, думает о Дине. Об утреннем поцелуе, о сексе прошлой ночью. О словах, что Дин неосознанно пробормотал Сэму в ухо. Об ответе, которого он не дождался, хотя был уверен в том, что Сэм не спит.

for judas_denied 100 words + 100 words. The first one was so depressing I did another. lol. Icon by judas_denied

A Simple Choice

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” There’s no hesitation, no doubt. He stands straight despite the wound in his side slowly draining his veins, eyes steady, breath shallow.

“He plays a big part in what’s to come but your part is more important. The loss of your life will bring death to many. You still want this?”

“Will he live?”


“Then bring it on, dude.”

“As you wish.”

There’s a flash of light and then the pain is fading away just as he hears Sam draw in a breath, gasping his name.

Sorry, Sammy. Never thought it would end like thi…

"Легкий выбор" (Russian translation by wayward_jr

- Ты уверен?

- Да.

Без колебания, без сомнения. Он стоит прямо, несмотря на кровоточащую рану в боку, упрямые глаза, поверхностное дыхание.

- Он должен сыграть важную роль в будущем, но ты важнее. Потеря твоей жизни принесет смерть многим. Ты все еще хочешь этого?

- Он выживет?

- Да.

- Тогда от винта, чувак.

- Как пожелаешь.

Вспышка света и боль отступает. Сэм тут же делает вдох с его именем на губах.

- Прости, Сэмми. Никогда не думал, что все закончится вот та...

2nd take

Life In All Its Simplicity and Chaos

Sometimes he forgets that life isn’t supposed to be like this. That there are people who don’t even know what’s out there. Who laugh and cry and fight and fuck and it has nothing whatsoever to do with demons or ghosts. Just life, plain and simple.

He can’t remember feeling a single emotion that can’t be linked to the supernatural, or doing anything without the constant awareness of evil.

So when Sam kisses him for the first time, his thoughts don’t go to ‘incest’ or ‘wrong’ but rather ‘possession’ or ‘succubus’. Which still doesn’t explain why he kisses Sam back.

"Простота и хаос жизни" (Russian translation by wayward_jr

Иногда он забывает, что жизнь может быть другой. Что есть люди, которые не подозревают о том, что скрывается в темноте. Которые смеются, плачут, дерутся, трахаются и не имеют ничего общего с демонами и призраками. Лишь живут, заурядно и просто.

Он не может вспомнить ни одной эмоции, не связанной со сверхъестественным; ни одного поступка, совершенного без оглядки на подкрадывающееся зло.

И когда Сэм впервые целует его, он думает не "инцест" или "нельзя", а "одержимость" или "суккуб". Что совершенно не отменяет того, что он целует Сэма в ответ.

for siberian_skys 300 words. Icon by oolitter


He’s lost in thought, mind wandering to a far darker and sinister place than the cheerful, if slightly greasy, diner they’re in. His gaze is fixated on his coffee swirling in the cracked mug as he stirs it, worrying his lower lip absentmindedly, when he suddenly feels Sam’s warm breath on his cheek and Sam’s freakishly long arm sliding across his back, hugging him close.

“Dude, what the fuck?” He tries pushing Sam away but Sam only laughs softly and presses his lips against Dean’s cheek, tongue darting out to lick the shadowing stubble.

“Sam! We’re in a fucking diner!” His mind is racing, panicking as he looks around, expecting everyone to stare and point and possibly burn them at the stake for what they’re doing. “Whatsamatter with you?”

“Sshh, chill.” Sam nudges him gently with his nose, his other hand sliding under the table and settling on Dean’s thigh. “We’re in San Francisco, man. Just look around you.”

There are two girls cooing to each other over an ice cream sundae on the other side of the diner. On their right a young man is greeting his boyfriend with a soft kiss.

“It’s not the same, Sam! They’re not…” Dean lowers his voice to a hissed whisper, swapping Sam’s hand away from his thigh. “… fucking related!”

“Dean, neither are we.”

Dean jerks back, staring at him. “What? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this your idea of a joke?”

“Dean.” Sam just smiles and pulls out his wallet, flipping it open. “Look. I’m…” He pulls out a credit card, frowning. “… Ben Holdaway and you’re… David Lowe.”

“Those aren’t real! You know that.”

“I know.” Sam leans closer, licking a trail up Dean’s neck. “But they don’t. They have no idea who or what we are. Lover.”


for bayouskye 400 words. Mind!Masturbation!! Spoiler for 2.02. Icon by bayouskye

Jealous Mind or 'Look, Dean! No hands!'

He can feel Sam’s eyes boring into his neck and just knows his brother’s lips are a thin line of irritation, his fingers gripping the glass of water hard enough to whiten the knuckles. Jo smiles coquettishly and Dean gives her a stilted smile back, hoping Sam won’t be able to tell from where he sits but he swears he can feel the jealousy burning a hole in his skin.

He’s just about to turn around and give Sam a back-off glare, when he feels it. A hand sliding over his thigh, then moving up to cup his balls. He’s not sure which freaks him out more, the fact that both of Sam’s hands are still resting on the table or that it’s a skin-to-skin touch, just as real as the one he enjoyed in the stolen pickup only fifteen minutes ago. He glances down, sees nothing, and shoots a shocked look at Sam who gazes back, looking angelically innocent. ‘What the fuck?’ he mouths and Sam blinks, a surprised smile softening his lips. Ellen is talking so Dean turns to face her but he’s not really listening, he’s having enough trouble keeping his eyes steady and his mouth from falling open in a silent moan. He just nods and licks his lips, trying to look like he’s actually interested while his mind is reeling and his cock throbs in his pants. Luckily Ash swaggers in just then, carrying what looks like a computer engineer’s wet and rather messy dream, and his gasp is interpreted as awe. Which, to tell the truth, isn’t far off although it all belongs to Sam.

They finally leave, Dean offering Jo an apologetic smile before closing the door behind them, and they walk to the car in silence. His wet jeans chafe the sensitive skin of his cock, reminding him yet again of the necessity of doing laundry, but he keeps quiet until the Roadhouse has disappeared in a cloud of dust before glancing at Sam, raising his eyebrow in query.

“Picked up a new skill there, Sammy?”

“Had to do something to keep myself occupied while you’re working on the damn car.” Sam blushes, unable to keep the grin away. “Had no idea it would work though.”

“Oh, it worked.” Dean leans back, breathing out slowly before flashing Sam a satisfied grin of his own. “It worked just fine. But keep on practicing.”

fic 2006, tv: supernatural, translations: russian, icondrabbles, drabbles, pairing: sam/dean, spn drabbles

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