The funny, the cold and the perverted

Aug 04, 2006 19:52

If you are a Supernatural fan and haven't been following The Plastic!Winchester Theatre you really, really have to go over there and check it out. I've been giggling over every single one of them but the last installment had me laughing so hard there were tears streaming down my face. Literally. Haven't laughed so much since forever. Sam's hair! And his smile just about kills me. And lots of Wincesty subtext. But the last story... I swear I laughed so much hubby thought I'd gone mad. There's the Winchester Flower Shop and a pink VW and an all female club and... *folds over, wheezing* Keeled me ded!! Go! Read! And be better than me and comment because I only did on the last one. The link will take you to the first part and then lead you on to the next one and so on.

In other news, the heatwave (26-27ºC) they promised us, and I might have mentioned to a few of you, turned into two days of 18-20ºC and now it's 12ºC and raining. Great. The weather reporter was so sure he said he would eat a hat. *wonders how many have sent him a saltshaker and some cutlery* So far this summer we've had 4 really good days. 4!! And please don't comment with how hot it is over where you lot are, it might have been amusing in June but not anymore. Now I just want to scream and throw a tantrum. Fucking shitty weather. This is what we get after 9 months of winter? No wonder people are depressed.

I'm still taking fetish drabblecalls over here. Pick a fetish from the list (check first to see it hasn't already been taken) and give me a pairing. I'll put up a list of what has been taken in a minute and I'll try to keep it updated, at least tonight. Just one thought, I know some of them are very amusing but do they make a good story? I'm going to try and keep them porny but knowing me they might just as well turn out angsty and/or funny. And, I'd like to add, if the list gives anyone a plotbunny feel free to use it for yourself as well. Not as if I own it, it's all stolen anyway. A link to the result would be appreciated though. *g*

Maybe I should have turned it into a ficathon. I'm just so shitty at organising. Ah well.

drabblecalls, weather, tv: supernatural

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