Evil mall

Jun 08, 2006 20:57

Mall. Shopping. Four fucking hours.

Dead. *dies*

Ps. No one wants my icondrabbles. *sulks* There are only 7 sign-ups so far so there are 13 slots still left. Come on, people. You don't want me stuck on Crete with no bunnies, do you? *puppy eyes* And remember, sometimes they turn into ficlets...

I'm going to print the requests out at work tomorrow to take them with me so you have until then.

[ETA. My boyfriend is on TV!! Superman 5.4 with the very Fine professor. Hubby finds it highly amusing that he's a history teacher. 'Of course he's evil, we all are.' *g*]

tv: smallville, drabblecalls, people: james marsters, shopping

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