Still with the whining.

May 15, 2006 18:36

I woke up this morning still all down and depressed plus with a killer headache. Dragged the kids to kg and then crashed back into bed. Woke up to call in sick at work and fell asleep again, not waking up until half past two. Sat up in bed enjoying toast with jam and chocolate milk while reading my Modesty Blaise comics until I had to pick up the kids again. Still headachy but not as down which is an improvement.

But there was one good thing though. Had the most erotic SPN dream last night which not only involved the two brothers making out non-stop (sometimes I was watching, sometimes I was one of them, can't remember which one though) and OMG how hot that was to witness, but me actually thinking about how great it was that it was seen as such a natural part of the show and why on earth couldn't Joss have had the balls to do the same thing with Spike and Angel? It took me a while after I woke up to realise it had been a dream and that sadly no, there is no visible Wincest on Supernatural, however much subtext we can find. *sulks*

Apart from that little rimming thingy two nights ago my writing is not going well. So badly actually that hubby is getting worried and even asked me if I had stopped altogether. I don't know what it is but I need to pull myself together. I have a spring_spangel thing due on June 6th and even if I already have 37 pages I don't know where it's heading. There's a reason why I didn't manage to finish it before spring_spangel last year, you know. *kicks the muse* Then of course there is Protect Your Soul and various drabbles and birthday requests I owe people. Plus a ton more but those can wait. (Does anyone even remember Just Watching anymore?)

4 weeks until Crete. I so need a vacation.

dreams, writing

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