Everyone is doing
The Great Writer Meme.
I'm not. Because I'm a coward.
Yes, concrit is good but the whole anonymity thing scares me. Means it's too easy for people to be mean and get away with it. And I don't handle mean very well. I've seen some pretty negative comments there. I'd rather just be here in Lala-land thinking everything I write is fabulous even if it means I'll never learn and just keep on doing the same mistakes.
I think all of you doing this are very brave and I wish I was too. But I'm not.
Yep, coward. That's me. *sticks fingers in ears and sings lalalalala*
Ps. What is this new Auto-Format HTML on the update page? *frowns* *pokes it*
Pps. Am writing JM/DB/more-people-I-haven't-decided-on-yet RPS. For Snow. Hope it goes the way I plan.