(no subject)

Sep 15, 2005 17:42

After taking the bus to work for 2 weeks I today drove the distance back and forth twice. Ok, I love the bus. Seriously, I'm feeling so damn stressed I'm finally appreciating the half hour before and after work I can sit on the bus and just listen to music in my headphones. I'm thinking buses are the way to go all winter. Less stress, more pore...ehem... porn. That's an awful slogan. *headdesk*

Thing is they called me at work from the kids' kg yesterday. They had been changing the little guy's nappy and there were drops of blood coming from his penis. Yikes! So I got a doctor's appointment for him this morning and was supposed to bring a urinsample. Had to go to three pharmacies to get the little pee-bag for his pee pee. So this morning I put it on which he thought very insulting. Half an hour later when I had to take the girl to kg it was still empty. So dress him and out to the car. As usual the girl had been driving me insane with her various fashion demands and other things and so we were 10 minutes late. I swear, that kg is run like it's a multimillion dollar company where everything has to happen The. Exact. Minute. They've. Scheduled. It. For. or I get glares and she gets 'Everyone is waiting for you, dear'. *grinds teeth*

So I drive to the doc who is half an hour away because we still haven't found one here after we moved. Get there and I check his pee bag. Well, if there was any pee in it it had drowned in all the poo. Aaargh!! Poo everywhere! Like, 'What the fuck have you been eating? Dead rats?' poo. And I of course in my hurry had forgotten his bag with his nappies and wipes and extra clothes. Thankfully they had some nappies and I could change him while the doctor stood there waiting and the poo went absolutely everywhere! And the stink! I swear, I think they had to disinfect the whole room after we left. So he has a sore pee pee, whether from an infection or from his endless happy times with this new found friend I don't know. Should clip his fingernails though, I think.

Got a receipt for some ointment and penicillin (why do doctors always prescribe penicillin? I really don't think he needs it this time I was just too tired to argue) and then when I went to pay they refused my card. Aaargh! And I didn't know if hubby had paid the VISA bill but fortunately he had. So when I got to the car I called hubby to tell him how it went and ask him about the money and then I just started crying like a baby. Cried all the way to the kg so I probably looked like a battered wife by the time I got there. Dropped of the little guy and drove to work because I was too late to take the bus. Hubby called and said it had to have been a glitch with the card because it still has 30.000. Well, that's good then. Park at my mum's because they're building on the school lot and there are never any parking spaces left when I get there. It starts raining which is when I realise I forgot my coat at home. Only takes 5 minutes to walk to work from there so I didn't get too wet.

And then all day students were pouring in asking for stuff for assignments and I hardly had time to sit down at all. The coffee machine had run out of beans so I ran out to buy some fancy coffee for once because I felt I deserved it. Went to the pharmacy on the way. Got the ointment but they didn't have the penicillin. *sighs* Had to go to another pharmacy on the way home and they made me wait so long I was 10 minutes to late fetching the kids. And now I'm home and I want coke and there is none. And I want chocolate and I have none. And I want time alone with my porn or take a warm bath and hubby won't be home until 7. *headdesk*

Well, aren't you glad you didn't read all that lot? You did? You have no life, do you? *pets pathetic you*

But enough of all this depressing shit because in all this I had a wonderful surprise that saved this day from becoming the most depressing day ever.

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Look what bittersweet_art made for me!! Not only is it the second stunning piece of art she's made me (see the first one here) to fit my story Closer but she says she's gonna make a third one!

Isn't it just beautiful? Isn't it just the most gorgeous thing ever? I think I'm in love with her all over again. And I have the sudden need to read it again. Heee! Hope it works that way for other people too. *hugs her tight and forgets all about stress and sore pee pees*

art, closer, kids, wallpapers, rants

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