Just posted my
spnspringfling story here and on AO3, a bit late but that's because I've been on holiday!
Yep, 12 lovely days in Tenerife. God, it was marvelous. Believe it or not but this was a work trip for Mr Felis, which he invited me to come along on, and then we extended our stay for another week after he was done. Nothing but lazying around on the beach and by the pool, reading and eating nice food. Rented a car for one day and drove around a bit but other than that we just stayed put doing absolutely nothing. Oh yeah, we also did a boat trip with the conference people which was really nice. Saw dolphins and whales!
I managed my "tanning" (meaning not burning my very pale skin until I look like a lobster)quite well until two days before we left when I forgot to reapply sunscreen (SPF 50) right away after taking a dip in the ocean and managed to burn bright red, even on my stomach. Ow! Almost a week later it still hurts a bit but I'm now only bright pink and not red anymore.
In other news, my older kid and her fiance have found and bought an apartment! They will be moving out within the month. That will be so weird, even if it's only like a 2 minutes walk away. They get the keys on Thursday and then they have to paint and such but other than that, they're good to go. Literally.
And I didn't fail the autism test, lol. Yep, turns out I am on the spectrum after all. Guess I wasn't so out of place writing an autistic!Jensen fic, *waves away that guilt*. Maybe should have guessed considering lots of the traits I gave him were based on my own. lol I'm having lots of thoughts and reading up on stuff and just basically getting to know myself a bit better, which is cool because I've never really known who I am. Which is apparently also an autism thing. Also I'm sleeping really badly and having lots of anxiety (despite the relaxing holiday) and stuff but whatever.
Also, Eurovision! Finland was amazing! And Moldova, liked them a lot too. Still haven't decided which country to be at the Eurovision party on Saturday (someone else has already picked those two), I was thinking of picking Malta because I also like wearing sweaters and not having to go anywhere but they didn't qualify so... *pouts* Since Eurovision is being held in England (on behalf of Ukraine) this year there is a royal theme and I have to wear a hat! I have some of my grandma's old hats which have been in my mom's dress-up box for the kids for years and are looking pretty banged up but I'll see if I can fix them. They don't really fit my head because grandma was tiny and also had almost no hair (she wore wigs when she wasn't wearing turbans) so I have to pin them somehow, or maybe add a string. We'll see.