Posting trouble and more

Nov 25, 2022 13:31

Ugh. Never had such trouble posting fic, both on LJ and AO3, as last Tuesday. The code kept getting fucked up and it took me forever to fix it. If I tried using the visual editor instead of the HTML one it put huge gaps between every new paragraph. It was driving me nuts but finally it worked, after over an hour.

Then I was checking the one on AO3 this morning and discovered the italiced words were just plain, which really annoyed me because it always takes me forever to put that in. When I opened the editor to fix it it had put italics coding all over the fucking thing! I tried to back out but then 2/3 of it was still showing in italics. If I just changed it in one chunk all the italic coding that was supposed to be would disappear. So I spent close to two hours cleaning that up. Finally finished. Only to discover the big gaps I wanted to have, between scenes, had disappeared. WTF? I put them back in but every time I saved they disappeared again. I ended up having to put a period in the middle of them to fool the damn thing. So annoying. Mostly annoying that people have been reading it differently than what it was supposed to look like. Especially with things that had to be in italics, just for clarity. *grumbles*

Anyway, it looks like it's supposed to now. Finally.

Btw, I can't import fic to AO3 from LJ anymore. I'm guessing it's not just me but LJ having changed something. It just imports the Log in page for LJ, telling me to log in, which I already have. Although I don't know why I'm still posting fic to LJ, I don't think anyone reads there anymore. At least they don't comment. But I'm anal, once I've started something I can't stop. All my other fic are here. And LJ is still here, despite the doomsday wave that was happening some months ago. It's like a cockaroach, it seems. Although that is not really a good comparison, seeing as I think we who still are here still love this place, even if the owners probably don't give a shit about us, not us fandom folks, anyway.

In other news, I'm back from the health resort. It was actually great, even if the first week was very hard, both because I missed mr Felis but mostly because I had such trouble with the food which is mostly plantbased with a lot of things I can't eat, especially with my stomach being as tender as it is now. (Colonoscopy on Tuesday! Fun!) Once for dinner the only thing I could eat was a boiled egg. I ended up eating fish (clean, very little taste) and boiled carrots and broccoli, twice a day. Fair to say, by the time I went home I was very tired of that diet. And still I didn't lose any weight. Eating very little, exercise many times a day, but no, my thyroid-fucked body refuses to let go of anything. I think even the doctor was stunned. But my main reason for going there wasn't to lose weight ( but after sufferiing that damn diet for four weeks I think I deserved it as a reward, seriously!) even if I am very overweight, but to make my whole body and mind feel better. And that it did. Now I just have to keep on, which is a lot harder when you're home alone and don't have a set schedule and group of people with you. I haven't even been able to keep to my promise of going for a walk every day. *sighs*

And now, back to writing.

health, lj, ao3

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