(no subject)

Sep 12, 2016 17:30

I could use some good thoughts for my cat. She's at the vet, having become dehydrated and weak because of an infection in her mouth that kept her from drinking and eating. They're not sure if the infection is a bad tooth or in her gums but they were bleeding and oozing puss. And since she is so old they're not sure if she can handle being put under, so they can x-ray her jaw, or for whatever would have to be done next, depending on where the infection is coming from. So they're gonna get some fluids in her and take a blood test to see if there are any bad signs. Then we'll go from there.

Now, she's almost 20 years old so of course we've been prepared for having to say goodbye to her whenever but the thing is she's been absolutely healthy and fine until just a few days ago. Deaf and grumpy but otherwise good. She started first being a bit slow and strange last week, miaowing all the time, but it wasn't until this weekend that I noticed she kept walking to her water bowl, look at me and miaow then look back at the water and back at me and kept miaowing but not drinking. Which was when I realised that was probably why she was so strange, she wasn't drinking or eating. And when I picked her up (she doesn't usually like that) I could feel she had lost weight.

But even if she is old the vet said that if she was otherwise healthy, and it's doable, it's worth trying to fix, if that's what we want. And we do, I don't want to decide this is it, let's put her to sleep, just because she's old in years. Not if she's otherwise healthy and it is something we can fix without making her suffer. Like I said, until a few days ago she was trotting around like she was 12, not 20. I'm not ready to give up on her yet.

But, if it comes to it, we will of course make the right decision. The hard decision. I'm trying to prepare for the possibility but at the same time I don't want to think about it. At all. She's my weird little anti-social, howling, peeing-on-everything furry baby, you know.

Really weird about her teeth though. When they checked her last year they were surprised by how good her teeth were, "like a teenager's". So how did they go from that to this in such a short time? I just don't get it.


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