
Mar 24, 2015 17:11

I had this great plan to be really productive today. As everyone knows, such plans should never be made because something will always fuck them over.

First I had a lousy night, didn't fall asleep until after 3 am, so after the kids were off to school I had a nap. Which somehow managed to last until lunch. Ooops. Guess I was more tired than I thought. Had a shower and was feeling pretty perky when I suddenly got hit with the mother of all headaches. The kind that makes your eyes hurt from light, you can feel the headache pounding behind your eyeball and you think there must be a tumour in your brain or something. By the time it finally lifted some the kids were home from school and I was too pooped to do much of anything other than lie on the couch and read fic. So that's that day gone. *sighs* I can still feel the headache lurking behind my temple, just hoping it stays on the down low. Not in the mood for more of that.

Also the bank somehow managed to screw up the automatic payment on my student loan so I got a bill in the mail that gave me a heart attack because I thought the loan agency had billed me my second student loan, from my Creative Writing studies, that I should not be paying off until next year. Anyway, mr Felis said he'd look into it tomorrow since me and banks don't really mix that well. (He's in London, will be there until Saturday. :( )There should be money in the bank for this as it's supposed to be figured into our monthly payments. If not it means the money I made this month will have to be used, which pisses me off because that was supposed to be extra.

I'm meeting the girls for some coffee and knitting tonight. It should brighten up my day at least a bit. I'm now more than half done with my geek blanket. Although it is more of a this-is-our-family blanket since it, apart from the tv/movie/book stuff, also has the rainbow flag, I am knitting a feminism square now and I will be adding the cats and our zodiac signs later. The blanket is supposed to be 48 squares, I think I might end up needing more because there are still so many things I want to include.

It's missing the rainbow flag square which I finished after I took the picture.

knitting, health, money

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