Happy Gay Pride!

Aug 09, 2014 10:29

My favourite day of the year! :)

The parade starts in less than 4 hours. Woohoo!! On the downside, doesn't seem like there will be a party this year, no more than last year. Which I think is really sad. :( Ever since they shut down the main dance place downtown our Gay Pride that used to be parade + party + go to the gayest dance of the year to dance our asses off and enjoy all the half-naked people, has been replaced with just going home once the parade is over. (We can't host a party ourselves, our blind and slightly demented cat gets stressed enough when we have a couple of people over. Plus we live miles away from downtown.)

Well, we're going for coffee at my mum's after since my little sis is here for a few days. Will be interesting to see if they remember (or rather can be bothered) making something gluten-free for me. Wouldn't be the first time I'm invited over and get nothing. My family is so much worse than mr Felis's family about this. Seriously, just tell me to bring something then! *sighs*

Went to a queer lit reading yesterday in connection with Pride week. Mostly poems but some prose as well. Two of my old classmates were reading and I met hildigunnur there which was great because then neither of us had to sit alone. lol And next week one of my writing buddies is publishing a book and hosting a publishing party. So happy for her. Only a slightly bit jealous. Slightly.

Btw, sorry I've been MIA. We went up north for some days were there's pretty much no internet and I don't know, I've just been kinda antisocial since I got back on Tuesday. I'll try to do better.

gluten intolerence, gay pride

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