(no subject)

May 19, 2014 15:23

Ugh, these super-strong antibiotics I'm on for my butt (don't ask) make me queasy. It's like morning sickness except with upset stomach and diarrhoea as well. Yay. So for almost a week I've had hardly any appetite, constant runs and am drinking gallons of water to fight the nausea but have I lost any weight? Of course not! *sighs*

Got tired of lying around at home so I took the bus to the town centre (not a pleasant ride for a hurt butt even if it only takes about 5 minutes) with my laptop and Kindle. Was hoping I could be outside in the nice weather reading but even if it looks nice it's actually damn cold, only about 9°C (48F) so I sat down at my favourite café (inside!) and had a latte and am trying to write some porn. I need to lean forward the whole time so my thighs are getting pretty tired even if it's only been an hour. Last time it took about a week for me to get completely better. *crosses fingers that it works this time too*

We're trying to figure out our summer plans. Mr Felis has to go to New York for a week in September (ok, not strictly summer but it figures into our summer budget) and we're planning for me to go with him. Yay! I've been looking so much forward to it for almost a year so nothing better fuck that up. *knocks on wood* Apart from visiting dad two years ago I haven't been off this tiny island in four years (the last time I went to NY) plus my sister, my friend and my aunt all live in NY, plus I have been dreaming about going back ever since I was there last time. Central Park! Gluten-free restaurants! Sitting in the sun outside Juilliard, drinking latte, eating gluten-free cookies and thinking about Doors! I can't wait! I'll probably be alone a lot since mr Felis will be working so if anyone is in NY and wants to meet up, let me know. (I have to admit I'd prefer it if we actually know each other, meeting strangers in the US is a lot scarier than meeting strangers in my tiny country.)

But first there's our annual summer trip up north to visit my aunt at the farm where I spent most summers of my youth and to mom's cabin which we look forward to the whole year because it's the best way to recharge your batteries and the kids love it. Seriously, we daydream about that place all winter. No tv, no internet (ok, I admit, that one is hard), no electricity, no people, just sheep and birds and the occasional fox and reindeer. We'll probably go the last week in June or in early July. It depends on when mr Felis can get time off work. Since his work is basically being on call 24/7, all days of the year, that can be a bit tricky.

Now if it would just get a bit warmer! *shivers*

butt hurt, health, vacation: new york, summerholiday, writing

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