At last, I'm home. *hugs LJ*

May 17, 2013 13:38

Of course when I finally have something to post about LJ won't let me in for three days. Couldn't see my friends page or anything. Bah!


I was going to do a drunken post on Wednesday after I got back from our book launch. Yes, our book has been published, we had a great book launch party with lots of people and music and I looked fabulous with a brand new haircut and fiery red hair color and I didn't screw up my reading and even made people laugh AND cry, which is clearly the ultimate WIN! I only had three glasses of wine (two before the reading, one after) but I hadn't eaten much so by the time I got home around midnight I realised I was actually pretty drunk. lol

And then yesterday morning (while a bit hungover) I watched the Supernatural S8 finale and OMGOMGOMG! *flails* That's all I'm gonna say about that!

Also, Eurovision Song Contest, always fun. The big final night is tomorrow. We've watched the two semi-finals with friends and tomorrow promises to be a fun night with lots of drinking and fabulously weird clothes. I'm rooting for Romania which means I have to come up with something for the party related to that. I'm thinking Bloody Marys and wearing a black/red cape. Count Dracula all the way!

Last, I'm trying to up my health a bit and be at least semi active, according to doctor's orders. Am taking 30-40 min walks every day while listening to Cabin Pressure where each episode is conveniently half an hour long. It sure makes the walk more fun and time go faster since I find walking without a destination very boring. I'm fine with walking where I have to go but walking for the sake of walking? Meh. Also bought a new swimsuit so now I can go swimming without feeling embarrassed and horribly self-conscious about all my wobbly bits. It's a purple polka dot swimdress, very cute.

Oh, and the very last, I didn't get into that play writing program. :( I first felt pretty annoyed because the people from our group that DID get in, well, I know I'm a better writer than most of them. But then I found out that people who I consider as good or better writers than me didn't get in either and then I felt better. Which is weird but yeah. If I had to miss out at least I'm in good company. I'm guessing they were looking for more weird arty stuff, since that's what the people who got in write, while me and the others are more about straight forward storytelling. On the other hand it means I can spend the weekend after next in a cabin with my slashgirls, as I had planned before I realised it was during the same time.

Oh and I still haven't seen neither Iron Man 3 nor Star Trek because hubby has been so busy. We're going to see IM3 tonight and ST hopefully soon. Of course I've been spoiled for lots of stuff on Tumblr but still, looking very much forward to both of them.

uni, movies, eurovision, health, lj, writing

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