More AO3 news

Apr 27, 2012 18:26

So far I've got all of my longer J2 stories and verses up on AO3 (except the main Doors story, that's just over here for future reasons but all the timestamps are over on AO3) as well as three of the one-shots. Also 11 out of 21 of my Sam/Dean stories. At this pace I should be done sometime before I turn 40. lol

I like having the option of storing my stuff there (especially if LJ one day decides to go bye bye) since it's very userfriendly with it's ebook-download feature. Although I must admit I would love to be able to see some statistic for downloads. I'm nosy like that. :)

I'm supposed to be finishing up my translation assignment but instead I've been lazying around reading fic. My own even which is even more procrastinating that reading others. Was re-reading Taking Turns (Holding This World) (or here on AO3) and it's weird but sometimes I catch myself thinking, Did I write that? Huh. I think it's one of those stories that I tend to forget because... I don't know why, really. Thing is, for some reason it always surprises me how good it is, like in my mind I've decided it's silly and stupid and not one of my high lights. And then I read it and you know what, it's actually damn good. I don't know if it's because I was basing it on something else (Aladdin) but the language is a bit different from my usual. I think that's why it feels at times so unfamiliar.

Oh, although I caught this stupid mistake: "Chad waved his hands angry, indicating just how much of a mistake he thought Jared was making and almost smacking him in the face in the progress."

Progress? That's supposed to be process, right? Or am I thinking of a completely different word altogether? *groans* Sometimes I just remember a sound instead of a word, like I know I should be using a word that has the vowels O and E quite possibly ends with SS but I can't remember the rest. What is that, dyslexical audiomemory? The curse of learning so much of a language by listening to TV and stuff, I guess. lol

Anyway, I'm going to meet up with my classmates in about an hour to go listen to poetry while eating soup. Should be fun. :)

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