I'm actually starting to get tired of snow. *groans* Thankfully we've been going everywhere together which means I can sit inside the car while
mr_felis braves the blizzard to clean the snow off it. Still, was thinking of going maybe writing tomorrow but the thought of driving anywhere in all this snow is not very appealing. But I've been unsuccessful at being creative at home so... We'll see.
Feels like I've been failing at fandom the last few months. Apart from the
BDSM story I posted a few days ago I haven't posted anything since September, and before that in June! I really wanted to write a Christmas story but the muse hasn't been very co-operative. And then there's the uber angsty PTSD story which I have to do some work on before school starts again since the next semester might be just as busy as this one was.
Anyway, yet another evening of eating too much food is over and now there's a bit of a break until New Year's Eve. Just as well, my stomach is tired from having to work so hard! It was a nice evening though, largely spent watching Iceland's gayest and most popular pop star, Páll Óskar or Palli, on national TV, performing with the Symphony Orchestra at the National Music Hall. All very glamorous and glittery and Gay with a capital G. Palli turned 40 this year but I swear he still looks 25. At one point I turned to hubby and said "God, that man is just so pretty!" And he said, "I know! I need to find out what beauty products he uses." lol
Really though, I just love that man. No apologies for anything. He's fabulous and he knows it. I've gone to numerous dances where he's been DJ-ing and performing some of his most famous songs but I really need to go to one of his symphony concerts. Like Palli himself said: "Aren't you happy they finally built a music hall that's glamorous enough for me?" lol
Here's the trailer for it if you wanna see some of his glittery outfits and catch a taste of the show.
Click to view
To quote one of our author's, Hallgrimur Helgason: "What other country in the world would put on its national TV channel at prime time at Xmas the National Gay singing about his homoerotic adventures accompanied by the Nattional Symphony Orchestra? Sometimes one can be proud to be Icelandic."