I haz no Sherlock icons anymore *pouts*

Jul 29, 2011 16:23

Was rewatching Sherlock yesterday for the gazillionth (Well, maybe fifth. Sixth? Not sure.)time and as I was enjoying The Blind Banker (which I have to admit, I don't enjoy as much as the other two, not for the racist reasons I never quite got but because it's drawn out and just not as exciting) I noticed something I hadn't before. When they're in The Lucky Cat and John picks up the small bowl his hand shakes.

Thing is, I'd been a bit annoyed at that part of their characterization of John. Or the lack of it, that is. He's introduced to us as a man suffering greatly after returning from Afghanistan. He has nightmares, is limping, his hand shakes. Five minutes after he meets Sherlock he drops the cane, is as steady as can be and for all we can see, sleeps like a baby.

But that (possibly/probably unintentional) sign of John still being a bit shaky made me watch the rest more closely. Like when they kidnap him and Sarah and the Black Lotus lady threatens him with a gun, John freaks out. He's having trouble breathing, he's shaking, he can't even look at the gun. He tries and flinches. Not exactly the stoic person we see shoot a cabbie straight in the chest an episode earlier. Even when the threat is moved over to Sarah and he pleads for her life he does it half-heartedly, like he's afraid to draw their attention back to him. She's crying, whimpering, terrified but unlike the usual TV/movie hero (notice I don't say "real hero") he doesn't try to bargain or offer his life for hers, he just continues to try and convince them he's not who they're looking for, even if he knows that argument is futile. Then of course Sherlock shows up for the rescue and finally John can breathe again. And go push the arrow thing aside since all Sarah does is just sit there, not even trying to get loose or throw over the chair or anything. *rolls eyes at medieval damsel-in-distress*

What I'm getting at is that John's reaction feels genuine for a man suffering from some kind of trauma anxiety. (Even if it might not be full blown PTSD considering he shows little or no other signs, at least not to which we are privileged to, but what do I know.) He's okay with the thrill of running around chasing bad guys, even having to shoot them, but having a gun pointed directly at himself seems to be what triggers him.

On the other hand, he's amazingly calm about wearing a semtex vest, and doesn't hesitate at all when given the opportunity to sacrifice himself for Sherlock. His freakout doesn't come until they think they're in the clear and even then it's shortlived, as soon as danger revisits he's back to being ready to die if that's what it takes.

Intriguing little man.

I'm sure there are Sherlock meta posts out there that make a lot more sense than I do. The fic of course explore John's PTSD in all sorts of ways which has until now satisfied my need for angst and drama but I'd love to see what people are thinking when it comes to canon. Well, canon according to Moffat and Gatiss anyway. And Martin Freeman, I suppose.

tv: sherlock

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