Watching "Hitch" because I need brainless distraction

Jul 23, 2011 22:52

Reading J2 movie-remake AUs has ruined all rom-coms for me. Like now, I keep waiting for Will Smith and Kevin James to start making out, even if that particular pairing would not appeal to me at all.

I do love remakes though. I've written two J2 movie remakes myself, one for Disney's Aladdin and one for a Danish movie. They were both surprisingly harder to do than I thought they'd be. So much that when I mentioned some time later that I kinda wanted to do another mr_felis looked at me like I was crazy and said "Have you forgotten how insane writing the other ones drove you?" Uhm, yeah.

Still, if I had the time sometime in the future I wouldn't mind trying my hand at another. Just seems most of them have been done already. Well, except maybe the newly released ones. Are there any good new ones? I swear, I never see movies anymore. I haven't even seen Harry Potter yet, simply because our usual babysitters (various grandparents) insist on having summer vacations out of town. The nerve. *pouts*

Talking about writing, I went to meet up with people from the creative writing department at Uni that I'm joining this fall. "Old and new welcome" it said in the email I got. Of course I was the ONLY new one that showed up. *sighs* They were friendly enough though but since none of them will actually be in any classes with me and had obviously just got together to share gossip and such I felt very out of place. Only 2-3 of them bothered talking directly to me. Once the music got too loud for me to be able to hear much of what they were saying I said my goodbyes and left.

On the upside we did meet at a gay bar so there were cute guys to look at. And one of the girls had an absolutely beautiful rack. I might have stared a bit. Ehem.

[ETA. Read this. Jensen/Jared AU. Library porn but not in the way you think. Well, that too but mainly just... amazing writing that is a little sad, a little confusing, a little strange but mostly just beautiful.

uni, movies, boobs, writing

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