Jul 06, 2011 00:27
Another night of insomnia to again at least 3 am (that's when I last checked the clock) then being woken up at 9:30 by the neighbourhood kids invading the apartment. (The boy wasn't even up yet, he just went and opened the door when the bell rang without even putting his pants on. *rolls eyes*) Took me an hour and a half before I managed to convince them to go out to play instead so I could finally get some peace to.. drumroll... WRITE!
Yep, polished off over 2500 words in a few hours. Of course not something I should be working on like that PTSD fic or, God forbid, going over the beta edits of Doors. You know, important stuff. Nope this as something I got to thinking about while I should have been sleeping last night. Yet another Doors timestamp. It's been so damn schmoopy and fluffy lately I thought 'What about a little angst?' So this is emo fun! Not even halfway done yet but I'm gonna continue tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
At around 3 pm I realised I was sitting inside in probably the best weather we've had all summer and so me and the boy went downtown, had some coffee (well, me not him), met up with mum and my pregnant sister and her bratty two year old daughter.
(Ok, it's just so FUNNY. After years of putting up with my snotty sister commenting on how ill behaved other people's kids are and how their parents are obviously unfit and blahblahblah she now has a daughter who throws the best tantrums I've ever seen and goes around hitting other kids and yelling 'Poop!' and 'Piss!' at the top of her lungs. Oh Karma, what a lovely thing you are. *snorts*)
Then hubby joined us and we sat outside in the sun for a bit, then us and mum had dinner together before we headed home for another relaxing night of watching TV. All in all a pretty good day.