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Jun 16, 2011 19:45

They called me from work this morning to let me know that my co-worker's husband died yesterday. He had a stroke ten years ago, just before I started working there, and it was a huge struggle for her since he kept forgetting who she was and simply turned into a completely different man. She said it was like being married to a stranger. He got a lot better over the years although he could be very irrational and prone to obsess about things. Couldn't really be trusted with anything and was in many ways like a child. He had another stroke this Easter which left him pretty helpless as he couldn't remember who he was or where and had to supervised at all times. Their daughter was home from school in Denmark at the time and helped take care of him until they got him into a home at the end of May. Then the night before last he had another stroke, lost consciousness and never woke again.

I called her just now to offer my condolences and she was pretty choked up. Even if it has been such a struggle all these years she'd gotten used to his 'other personality'. I suppose it must feel a little like she lost him twice. Once into his own world and now out of this one. I'm feeling guilty that I won't be able to go to the funeral but she knew I was going out of town and mentioned it before I said anything, wishing us a nice trip and thanked me for calling and said we'd meet up when school starts again in August, go and have coffee or something. I still feel guilty, I feel like I should be there.

For all our differences over the years truth is we got along pretty well most of the time and really, when working in such a small space where you can literally read over the other's shoulder from your own desk, there's bound to be friction every now and then, especially when it's just the two of you. 90% of the time we worked well. I guess I've just been pretty vocal about the other 10%. Point is, there aren't many people you can work that close with without driving each other mad and I think we were pretty lucky that we clicked, most of the time. So I care about her and I know she cares about me, she was gutted when I got let go. I think in some ways she took it harder than me, I at least am looking forward to doing something new and exciting while she's stuck at the same job, except now she's alone with double the workload and no one to talk to. And the principal didn't consult her or even let her know before he called me to his office. Which is so typical of him and his way of dealing with the staff but still, really shitty.

Ugh, I just feel bad about the whole thing. *sighs*

In somewhat cheerier news, we went to the Viking Festival today, while still nursing our respective hangovers. I love all the costumes, especially on the children, and the smell of smoking lamb and looking at all the stuff they're selling. Every year I see so many things I want to buy and can't because they're too expensive, or, like now, because I don't have any money at all.* All the jewelry and hand carved items like knives. And there are swords! They were selling these leather purses that I've been coveting the last two years. They're kinda like this one, except only round and they also sell them bigger, which I liked better. I don't know if it's the same designer or if it's a rip off but damn, they're pretty. The red leather is just stunning and the blue one was pretty damn gorgeous too.

Oh well, they'll probably be available next year. Maybe I'll have some money then.

Tomorrow is our National Day. I'm gonna eat candy floss and walk in a parade and wave a flag and be all proud of my tiny country. Despite everything there's no other place I'd rather live.

*God, we're so broke. Paying for the gas on the trip is going to wipe us out. And the bill for Uni still hasn't come and I have to turn in the application for the educational grant from my union before July 1st, except we're leaving on Saturday and won't be back again until after that! Shit. I don't really know what to do. I need that grant and by the next application date it will be too late since by then I will no longer be on a payroll and therefor no longer eligible for applying. I think. *worries*

work, viking festival, lack of money, rl, stuff i want but can't afford

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