(no subject)

May 03, 2011 13:15

You know, when you spend your night dreaming about Stephen Hawking being in your bed, wheelchair and all, wanting your help in solving the mystery of the female mind it's time to get yourself some decent porn. *headdesk* (Apparently he is baffled by the whole women wanting to be seen sexy but not as sex objects thing and wasn't sure where the line was drawn and how to navigate it. Stephen, sweetie, no one actually knows. On the bright side, the chances of anyone slapping you in the face is minimal so... Just go with it.)

My mind is weird.

In other news, why has no one on my flist ever talked about Community? We've been mainlining the first season and we LOVE it. (So much that we forgot the time and suddenly realised it was 2 am last night. *iz ded tired*) This show is so wonderfully non-PC, you don't know whether to cringe or die laughing. Tackling race, religion, sexuality, gender... pretty much every thing you're not supposed to laugh at it makes horrible fun of and does it beautifully. And God, Abed! Abed and Troy's epic (b)romance! There haven't been two friends this married since Joey and Chandler, I swear. Love, love, love.

And I have Season 2 waiting for me at home. Yay!

dreams, tv: community

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