Yay, birthday!!

Oct 20, 2010 23:59

The years pile on and still I manage to stay 29+. I think it's all the nice young men in my porn, they keep me young and pretty. *g*

Thank you for the birthday wishes, you awesome people you! *hugs you*

Haha, it used to be easy, just scroll through LJ and drop off thanks. Now it's messages and Facebook and Twitter and Dreamwidth... This job is too hard! (A cookie for whoever can name the show that's from.)

I think I caught them all (well, I just posted a thank you on FB because I'm way too tired right now to be more social. Although it was in Icelandic so... uhm. I should probably add an English one) but if I missed some feel free to kick me your way.

Thank you, nalynn_jd, kebab1806 and claricehubert for the gifts for my userinfo. So pretty!

And a huge wet kiss to my darling winchesterxgirl for this!!

*squishes her*

Hubby woke me up with breakfast in bed. Well, my pills and a glass of juice and toast, that counts as breakfast. The kids zombied their way out of bed to crawl into ours, cuddling up in a display of "We love you mommy" so they could weasel their way under my duvet and try and trick us into sleeping in. It almost worked.

The boy's class had a preformance thingy at 8:30 which we went to, watching him 'rrrrr' his way through his little speech("The firrrrst candle rrrreprrrresents courrrrrrtesy...", lighting a candle without setting the school on fire and then act like Tigger on crack while his fellow class mates obediently sang and danced and pretended to be the angels to his little devil. (I have a hilarious pic of the teacher trying to pull him down from a stack off tables while the rest of the class stands singing. Ever read Calvin and Hobbes? My kid is Calvin. And sometimes Hobbes. But mostly Calvin.)

Then I drove hubby to work and had 45 min to sit down for a cup of coffee and to finish off that timstamp I posted earlier before going to my own work. I had a stack of plastic boxes in the trunk of my car that I had boiught for the library and when carrying them across the school yard I managed to drop three of the lids and crack them. *headdesk* They're still usable, just not as nice looking.

Went out for lunch to have some nice noodle soup. While waiting for the food my best friend called and stopped by to give me a pink flowered travel mug WITH coffee in it and chocolate. Ate and got back to work and my co-worker realized it was my birthday and ran out to buy me more chocolate. Apparently having a birthday means everyone wants more of you and tries to fatten you up. Nom nom.

Went home and picked up the girl for her skating lesson. Got a call from mum while driving there who claimed she had absolutely not forgotten my birthday. Yeah, yeah. *pats her head* While waiting at the skating hall the 1 1/2 hours for the girl to finish I read through the fic again and had a long discussion with the lunch lady about fire alarms. Then home again where I settled on the couch for some fic posting and FB reading while hubby fired up the grill and made me zucchini and steak and mushrooms. And served me white wine and an IOU for a new coat, my choice. *grins*

Of course the minute I sat down to eat my dad called. Since we really only talk on birthdays and Christmas I couldn't really tell him no so I listened to him talk about himself (after asking if we still had food in Iceland *rolls eyes*) and managed to slip in that we are okay and not starving (yet!) between his tales of holidays in Italy and their new house. He didn't mention any birthday present. Maybe I'm too old for them now? Hmmph. By the time he was done my food was cold but that's why we have a microwave.

Then hubby had to run to a meeting for the parents of girls in our daughter's class about bullying. There's a lot been going on the last years. Thankfully they sem to have backed off our girl a bit but there are others suffering. The one they bully the hardest just lost her mom last week which is just so damn tragic and we need to turn this around right now. *sighs*

Well, it's almost midnight, I just had a glass of sherry (on top of the two glasses of white wine with dinner) and am feeling pretty sleepy. Thinks it bed time for this old gal.

best friends ever, birthday

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