May 01, 2011 22:56
Happy Beltane for those who celebrate it!
I wanted to post at length about the election - I have an excuse for being scarce, for once! - but as the election has eaten my life, I've had no time to.
Most of my Canadian friends are either just on Facebook, or here and on Facebook. The few of you who aren't missed an awful lot of wonderful spam on my part, about polls (within the margin of error, says Ekos today), and how the NDP actually has a good fiscal policy record.
Most of my LJ friends are not Canadian, though, and the politics of another country are probably boring. I will say it's by far the most exciting election I've ever been in, and one way or another it's going to reshape this country and probably for the good. It's been an election like elections in feel-good movies, not like elections in real life.
If you wake up on Tuesday, and there's a story in your country about how the social-democrat NDP party has taken power for the first time in our history - and there's a 50/50 chance of that happening now - know that there will be dancing in the streets. And know I'll be part of it :)