Coffee-break reflections

Apr 05, 2008 11:17

CBC Radio Saturday-Morning Programming

You know, I've never been a heavy-metal fan in the slightest, but even I can tell that Brent Bambury talking about this stuff sounds like an old man trying to discuss drugs, using the "heppest" slang possible.

Oh well -- it's better than sex with pigeons, which was his opening topic.

Go is the worst program, bar none, on the CBC. And that includes Pearls of Wisdom (is that even still on anymore?) which might feature Jazz-Kletzmer-fusion yodellers from Senegal, or the vocalizations of giant singing yaks recorded on deteriorating wax cylinders.

David Wisdom had every recording the human race had ever made in digital form, hit shuffle every week, and called it a show. But even he never reached the 9th circle of atrocious -- beyond even Caïna, Antenora, Ptolomæa, and Judecca -- where are imprisoned, in Bamburia, traitors to taste.

No, I don't know why I listen to Go. It goes beyond my usual masochism. It's radio that should come with a safe word.


Walking to work this morning, I spotted what looked like a police car in colours I didn't recognize. Moving up to it I saw it belonged to Environment Canada, and confirmed (in a line of text on its side) that it existed to enforce environmental-protection laws.

Did I mention it came complete with a siren?

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm happy the government is taking such things seriously. But most eco-crimes are long-term, white-collar, and corporate. What do you need a sirened car for? Do polluters really run around with barrels of toxic waste like they do in Captain Planet?

Besides, where does the car go when the emergency is all around?

ETA: Coming home from work, the eco-emergency vehicle is still there. Must be a stake-out. Maybe someone's planning to steal the St-Lawrence River.

brent bambury, ecology, cbc

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