(no subject)

Jan 01, 2008 09:29


I have updated by historical website, although it's just a summary of the section. Really, it's the Cole's-Notes version of half a year of research.

I have to say that researching homosexuality between the fall of New France and Confederation was agonizing -- it's the least-studied period of Canadian history, generally, and I uncovered a lot of info that no one studying this area has looked at.

Social Life

It was a great New Year's -- spent it with montrealais and his boyf at the drag show at Club Mado. New Year's is really the only time of the year I go out clubbing, so I really enjoyed it.


My New Year's resolution is about time management. As I'm only working 20 hours a week, there's a lot more time to write than I've been using, and I think that if I treat my writing as a second job -- with times and schedules rather than just a minimum amount each day -- I'll be better able to use my free time.

Currently, the border between writing-time and play-time is so fuzzy that I feel guilty for relaxing or hanging out with friends or doing other things. If I'm more disciplined with my writing during the day -- treating it like any other job -- I'll be more able to do things like hanging out with friends and going out to clubs, etc.

holidays, queer history, writing, social life

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