(no subject)

Dec 14, 2007 12:16

This has been a first week of Yule gifts -- I got great books on Wednesday at our Yule party (Michael Chabon's latest from foi_nefaste, The Monster Hunter's Guide from em_fish, and a mountain of books from our city's dying gay bookstore from montrealais -- including some works of history and one about Harry Hay).

And yesterday, jenjoou and maidenofirisa got me the DS sequel to Final Fantasy XII, which I think I'm really going to love.

Thank you everyone!

Strangely, my 9th consecutive day of work is going much more smoothly than my 8th -- I'm not quite as exhausted, and having gotten a lot of writing done this morning helps. I may even have the energy to go to the library this evening and do more research.

In much nastier news, the Action Démocratique du Québec is opposing a new religion and ethics class that talks about all religions, without the traditional Catholic bias. Mario Dumont -- scary, reactionary indvidual that he is -- is naturally opposing this move towards secularism.

yule, holidays, social life

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