Dec 26, 2008 08:55
I seem to be singing that song an awful lot these days. Many people have been dying the past several years that were on my list of people who were not allowed to do so. Right now the lady in question is Eartha Kitt. I was just thinking a couple months ago how her voice alone is the thing that makes it worth watching The Emperor's New School every now and then when I'm bored. She was just so hilarious as Yzma, and I've always been fascinated by sound and language and the human voice, and hers was so utterly unique. What a terrible loss. I probably wouldn't have heard for a long time without having the internets back and at high speed, it's kind of a double edged sword that way but my not knowing wouldn't make it any less true. I always prefer to know. To at least be aware of where I stand.
Catwoman was always one of the characters that seemed most herself to me on that crazy old TV series. I do love that show and hate it. It's funny because it's bad on purpose, but I can only take so much of it at a time! Seriously...Waynebow. *facepalm* That poor horsie. lol. She and the Joker and the Penguin must be my faves from that. I dare say Eartha's Catwoman is the only one that's a legitimate rival in my heart for the best portrayal of the role with the Batman: The Animated Series people. She was so beautiful and saucy and perfect. I almost want to cry.
You get back down here this instant, my dear lady. I told you you weren't allowed...