lab.drwicked.com O_O
I never knew I could do that...seriously, I started out with fairly moderate goals that I completed more easily than I would have believed, getting 500 words in 30 mins when I allowed myself a full hour for that at first...and I've just kept improving from there.
Write or Die is seriously awesome. Exactly what I needed this year. Just being able to see my wordcount go up as I type is such a huge motivation. Having a real idea of how much progress I'm making instead of hoping for more than I get when I intermittently do a wordcount...yeah, pretty mind blowing. And seeing that clock ticking down is also very helpful, 'cause I can do quick, automatic calculations about how far behind or ahead I've gotten with my goal, which one way or the other always pushes me on...as in either "OMG I HAVE TO HURRY UP LIKE RIGHT THE EXPLETIVE NOW!" or "Wow, this is going better than I hoped. This stuff is easy! I'll be done in no time!"
And then when the screen starts changing color it makes the OCD-Imp go *twitch* You're not supposed to do that...so help me I'm gonna put you back in your place you saucy little machine!
And well, if I can get him on my side, I can pretty much do anything. So. It's all good. And it's not like the writing is taking a huge nose-dive in the quality department either. It's not good, but with few exceptions it's not worse than what I'd be doing anyway. There's just a few more sentences I know I'll need to overhaul and a few more minor characters whose names remain question marks for a while longer. *nods* It's just as fixable as my messes generally are. XD
So yeah, that's why I'm on-line now, I'm not wasting time that should be spent writing, I'm using an on-line tool to help with writing. And as long as I occasionally need a break anyway, I figured I'd stop by LJ again because I miss it so...
Really, my friends, if we ever do get DSL I'll be around a lot more again, and I can't wait to get back in touch with all of you. 'Cause you seriously rock my world. You're awesome peoples and just by being yourselves you challenge me to be a better person and think in totally different ways. And I've discovered that friendships have no expiration date...it's awesome the way everyone's so glad to see me when I do show up even if it's been forever and they ought by rights to be thinking I'd forgotten about them. *huge hugs all around*
Yeah, my friends ROCK!!!! \m/
And right about now special thanks are due to Sarah and Ian, who were actually kind enough to indulge my ridiculous request for attention of last night. XD Love you guys!