I'm sorry again for not being around. I'm catching up one journal at a time alphabetically (since I have to do it some way, and I want to read everyone's eventually, and...*shrugs*), and occasionally checking those I do catch up on so I don't get insanely far behind by the time I'm through. I know I've been a non-entity on LJ for too long for everything to still be on the friends page. I'm still on
aracelebearwen, so I'm afraid it's likely to be a while before I get to a lot of people. I miss you people though! I'm gonna try to convince myself to get on-line more often, I've been enjoying this hiatus long enough...
Well, I've had an unremarkable summer thus far, but I've been enjoying it plenty. Just taking it easy and all. So there's precious little to post about as to the last few months, which is good, because as I was always saying before, I have a bazillion things I should post about some time, going back as far as last summer in some cases.
We have a new confuser! Even with the evil slowed down modem it's like three times faster at stuff than poor Mr. Computerdee was, seeing as he actually has, you know, this thing called a processor, lol, and *gaspity* RAM! Yes, I really did call him that, before it started being Composaurus more often than not. I don't even know why, it was just a random syllable that seemed right to me there. The new fella needs a name too, of course, but I'm blank so far. Any suggestions?
The bad thing is he has Vista, which is evil incarnate. We couldn't get XP, on account of all the stores have this agreement with Microsoft about only selling Vista now, so they charge like $300 extra to uninstall Vista and install XP, and of course you could do that yourself, but then since you dared to mess with the confuser yourself it's no longer under warranty! ARRRRRRRRRGGGH!
The good thing is Vista has a really spiffy Mah-Jong game, which completely makes up for any other garbage it may spew at me. *laughs*
And for the moment we have Composaurus set up upstairs in the living room on this old wheeled table thingy that's only just stable enough for the purpose since that was the only convenient place to put him, and hooked up to the other phone line, so probably all of us will be able to get a lot more done on-line these days! Yays!
In coming attractions: SYMPHONY X!!!!!!! (And that's all I have to say about it) And maybe that Wildcat Mountain camping trip again, or maybe not. That's still in the "we'll see" stage for me.
I am become well and truly addicted to Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun. We have that a couple other good old PC games on Jim's computer now, and they are muchly fun.
So far I've slowly gotten used to playing on all the various tech levels and with different numbers of peoples (never more than four others so far, and I understand the game usually breaks with more than that anyway so I likely won't try five anytime soon), so next I'm gonna switch to NOD since I started with GDI just because they kinda seem a bit more right for me and I randomly felt like it. There's something incredibly soothing and refreshing about building up a base...especially the paving. The OCD-Imp likes the paving. Though at first when I started playing on a high enough tech level for that I didn't like it, 'cause back then I was all "this game is most fun when it's spontaneous" which is still sorta true...ah well. Here's a few (really pointful *rolls eyes*) things I'd like to say about it: Wolverines are cute. ^___^ Hover MLRSes are just flat out fun! Titans and Juggernauts are all solid and stolid and protective and...kind of adorable that way, really. *laughs* Disrupters are EVIL though I still make use of them and kind of love them. Hunter Seekers are the most annoying yet unfortunately too useful not to use concept ever come up with, and they need to be shot. And buried 82 feet deep in the ground in the dustbin of forgotten history. I hates them so much. They kill the strategy, which is supposed to be the point of the game. The Ion Cannon on the other hand, in spite of being pure BS, is really, really fun. lol I even like when it comes and kills one of my power plants or whatever, 'cause it's just that fun and cool lookin'. lol Fun-fun. Ghost Stalkers are sexy, especially the voice. Dang. I like Orca Fighters better than Bombers, even though the Bombers are technically waaaay better, because the Bombers are slow and boring and are round-puffy-shape-Mickey-Mouse cutesy instead of just being actually cute like the little fighters (no, I'm not really that crazy, I wouldn't care that I don't like the way they look, but I tend to notice these things with bizarre clarity if I already don't like them for other reasons). They're both really good though. I actually kind of like to have a huge mixed wing of both (I know, it's repetitious, sue me), so the fighters get there first and do some damage and keep any SAMs busy and then the Bombers lollop on in in relative peace and finish the thing off. I wouldn't think that should work, but it somehow rather does. ???? Oh well. I'm sure it wouldn't on a real person though. And on the NOD side...the Hand of NOD is one of the coolest looking structures I've ever seen in a game. It's totally incomprehensible. *laughs* The voices are all effing great with NOD, where they have all the simply adequate ones with GDI. The main announcer lady is of the general class that sounds a bit like Lady Galadriel but really, really stoned. The NOD guy just says "NEW CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS" and I wanna eat it all up! lol Same thing for the various cyborg type units. Attack Cycles, Attack Buggies, and those crazy little stealth tanks (don't know what they're called) are all very cute and very fun. Cyborg Reapers = awesomeness. Pure, pure awesomeness. Devil's Tongues=FUN! Tick Tanks=LOVE!!! Though of course my impression of any of the NOD stuff might change once I actually play as that side...
And now a quiz because I can. And I'm not even gonna bother cutting since the image is tiny, MWA-HA-HA-HA!
You Are the Ace of Hearts
Youthful and playful, you love life and the world.
You have a kind spirit, and you bring happiness to everyone you know.
Artistic and bold, you see the world in bright colors.
And you certainly aren't afraid to express everything you see and feel.
You are sentimental, and your emotions are very deep.
You are easily swept away and easily hurt.
A gamble you should take: Blackjack
Your friends would describe you as: Unique
Your enemies would describe you as: Weepy
If you lived in Vegas, you would be: An up and coming chef or fashion designer
What Playing Card Are You?