So, it's midnight on the first night of 2011, and I'm eating a big bowl of conchiglie with homemade Bolognese sauce based heavily on
Ragu alla Bolognese Ricetta Antica from Lidia's ItalyWhy am I doing this? Because the sauce has another hour or two to simmer but I could no longer stand to wait until it's done. The smell was killing me with
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Two of the things that make this recipe special are the layering of flavors and its richness. So, yes, veggie bacon. You need something else "meaty", so maybe mushrooms, especially if you can get a couple of different kinds. Eggplant could add some depth. And some sort of veggie ground meat substitute for texture.
Or, go to Lidia's website and salivate over her many vegetarian options, like Butter and Fresh Sage Sauce, Walnut Pesto, Pear and Pecorino Ravioli, or Fresh Cavatelli with Cauliflower, Almonds, and Toasted Bread Crumbs.
She made the walnut pesto on the same show as the Bolognese, specifically for vegetarians. It looked even better than the Bolognese, if such a thing is possible. That's actually what got me thinking about finding her recipes, and is the next dish I'm going to make for myself. Right after I finish inhaling the Bolognese. Or if I can bring myself to freeze some. Hmmm. Wonder how they'd do served at the same meal?
If this keeps up, I'm going to have to hire D's company to widen my doors!
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