My job is awesome. I spent the majority of my time on Tuesday cuddling dogs. Of course, it'll be a bit different when we have more than two dogs checked in, but still-I'm being paid to take care of dogs. Also, I got my first paycheck Friday, so Theresa, your birthdays present should by on it's way tomorrow. Sorry it's so late; anything I can do to make it up to you?
Also, yesterday my mother hosted a Peace and Justice meeting in which the Truth Project was discussed. The Truth Project is a series of videos from Focus on the Family which talk about the Christian way, in which God exists and the there is an objective morality that the Church has been teaching unchanged for two-thousand years, marriage was established between one man and one woman at the Garden of Eden (and yes, the creation story happened exactly as written-both of them), and anyone who is not Christian is both an atheist and immoral. Sadly, I am not exaggerating; I got all this from the intro. Dr. Dobson is one scary dude.
A group of people at St. Elizabeth's are hosting this at our church, which is not acceptable. Not only is it bullshit, it is not what the Church teaches. My mother decided we needed to something, hence the meeting. Sadly, no one coming to the meeting had signed up for dessert. So I made a...
It's a monkey for evolution. The flag is pretty self-explanatory. I know it's pretty messy, but is was a rush job.
Finally, when are people free this week? I want to see everyone before I get start getting too many hours at the hotel. I have no idea what my schedule is going to look like yet. A Doctor Who marathon, perhaps?