Jan 24, 2011 15:13
Hey, my name is Felipe Bassan and I was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I lived there since I was twelve years old. I have many excellent memories from over there but I love living here. All my family still lives over there; expect my mom, my dad and my brother. I played soccer my entire life but recently I stopped playing because I am not in High School anymore and in soccer clubs. Although I occasionally play indoor soccer but it is not the same and this is one thing that I miss the most. Also I have a job at Abercrombie and Fitch at Stone Briar. It is been a month since I started. Ishtyaq and Reid who is in this class also works with me and it is awesome to work with friends. As of right now I am not sure about my future plans yet but I want to study chemical engineering or biology.