Hey All! Long time no see!
I know I haven't been around here in quite a while, but I've been kinda busy. Largely with school, but I've also been super preoccupied with other things...
Long time LJ friends may recall, almost five years ago, that I had
My Three Hour Conversation with the Magic 8 Ball.
Well...five years later...and I still seem to be encountering, with unlikely frequency, individuals who approach intimate relationships much as one might expect a children's toy to do so.
I was *going* to write another witty posting about my latest knick-knack encounter with the title: My Half-Year Long Conversation with Another Magic 8 Ball.
But I realized, as I was writing it, that the analogy didn't really fit. This newest bout of Toys-R-Us interactions ends up being more closely related to the interactions one might have with a more complex plaything: The Ouija Board.
That is: a device that seems to be answering your questions and responding, but which occasionally--often even--does so with completely nonsensical, inconsistant and even contradictory information. This is further confused because one is never quite sure whether one is actually creating the answers one's self, though the Board purports to be possessed of rational and responsive capabilities, and will state as much if asked.
The end result is that all answers from the Ouija Board are suspect, and, no matter how kind and patient one is with the spirit(s) that seem to guide it, one can never be sure of when and why they might suddenly stop responding, or, in a worse case scenario: begin tossing things around the room over some slight, real or imagined.
Don't worry, I will not reproduce here for you my Half-Year Long Conversation with The Ouija Board.
It would be long and mostly uninteresting to anyone but myself.
But...I wanted to say hi to everyone, and to let you all know that I haven't been around, in part, because I was temporarily possessed by a pretty piece of cardboard.
Nah...this was probably the Deluxe Edition...
So it was probably made out of wood, and nicely carved.