So...hello everyone.
You may guess by this post that I am not, in fact, dead.
You would only barely be right...but I did that to myself a year-and-a-half ago, so you'll not catch me complaining...
Actually, that's not true. You will. would, if I ever posted.
Maybe that's why I never post? If I can't say something nice, I won't say anything at all?
...nah...that's clearly not the case. life is a little like a Katamari Damasy game right now...there certainly are a lot of things.
For those who care,
luriddreamscape and I are doing very, very well. At least, we are as regards each other. She hates her job, and I'm hating school rather a lot of the time, but we have our health, and we remain very much in love and really hot in bed. In case you were curious. :)
For those of you with a lascivious set to your minds, or a romantic one, as the case may be, I will note that the non-monogamous aspects of our relationship have come leaps and bounds since last I spoke to most of you. For her part, she has had a lot of fun and interesting new things in the last few months, though I'll leave those stories for her journal, which I'm sure echoes with crickets at this time.
For my part, I just had a really lovely visit from
langs_place, in which we rediscovered the strangely enduring bond we formed over the mass chaos of the Summer of 2006. It was unspeakably good, and strangely refreshing to have her in town for a couple of days, and I do hope she comes back soon.
In other news...for the last just-over-two-months, I've been seeing a girl whom I will refer to as "PJs", because that is the goofy, twitterpated, rhyming joke on her name that keeps running through my head since last Friday.
Actually, can I say, over the last three months or so, I have rediscovered a sort of confidence and...I dunno...rightness?...with myself and my's a lot of what I lost while in Chi-town...and it's awfully good to have it back. Also? It's resulted in a lot, lot, lot of sex for me. Which is good.
Other news? Lawschool goes well, if miserably. I got the CALI award for my Legal Writing II class, which resulted in a research assistant position for the next semester, by professorial invitation. :) I've also been TAing, which is less prestigious, but in many ways more satisfying. I will also, one way or another, be employed this summer...though exactly where remains *somewhat* up in the air.
Also? I'm very, very happy. As much as school sucks the big, golden cock a lot of the time, I'm at home in the pain, and I'm at home in the rain...though it's taken me somewhat more than a year to rediscover that.
So, how's LJ? How are all of you. Really, most of you are my Chicago friends, and almost all of you are friends I made while in Chicago...and the vast majority of you are people I've fallen rather bleakly out of touch with in the last six months or so...
I want to hear from you. Comment, respond, email...
I want to hear about your lives.
If not, I will stalk your account with ugly userpics and snotty comments. Don't test me on this. This bitch is crazy, yo.