Some Glitchisms

Mar 24, 2020 18:14

I wanted to some some stilly stuff, Glitchisms if you will
And LJ is the perfict place to post it. (Because it's controlled by Putin)

Hilter was a sassy black woman

If you don't gas the jews you are a Nazi

If you don't (insert insane thing here) the (insert badguy here) wins

If you don't support socal fashism the virus wins

If you blame the Nazis for the holocaust you are racist (We can't hold China responsable for the virus so we can't hold germany responsable for what it did during world war II)

Notice how the police aren't enforcing anti-theft laws in California seems to only be happening in areas with a promenently black population?
It's not simply that white people aren't doing any theft (because white people did before when the laws were enforced) it's that the laws are no longer enforced in areas with a predomenently black population while in areas with a predomenently white population all the laws are being enforced.

Anti-White racism isn't so much fake as it's anti-jewish racism pretending it's about something else.
So saying "Kill white people" is a cryptic way of saying "kill the jews"

There is bigotry and harassment of streight people. The point of it is to drive (and justify) anti-gay bigotry and harassment of the gays.

There is a significant portion of the gay rights community that is working to promote stereotypes used by bigots to oppose gay rights.

Same with the trans community working against trans rights.

You don't need to be racist to be fashist

A lot of the far left are faking it and aren't the left at all

Most of the visable communists and socalits are actually just paid activists and are really only about getting paid a big fat check like any other free market capitalist.

The people who buy up enough toilet paper to fill a minivan don't have enough money left over to buy food.

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