Aug 09, 2013 18:13
Get the council to come and repair Pirate's Stair lift!!
The darn thing broke down last night as he was coming to bed. Luckily he managed (with great difficulty) to get up stairs and back down this morning. Then we phoned Dolphin lifts who installed the thing ten years ago! They said to give the council a call as we are in a council house. Called the council and they sent out an engineer as it was classed as an emergency. He finally arrived about 11ish and changed the two batteries and was amazed they had lasted ten years without any trouble! Overall I call this a WIN!! Stairlift repaired and no money spent :D
n.b. Dolphin charge £90 for call out and battery change but the engineer told us that Stannah, who make it, charge £108 just to come out!