He's gone - No he's not!!

Apr 12, 2013 18:03

Furiously Life Like managed to get a place to move into and last night he moved all his stuff there. This morning it turns out he is there illegally and must move back home! I won't go into the whole long story suffice to say the previous tenant was a bit previous in giving him the keys and letting him move. He had payed the letting agency a fee, but it turned out not to be enough to make the move legal, as they haven't yet finished checking his references nor had they arranged the new lease (which he expected to sign today). To top it off the other tenants would prefer a friend to move in not a stranger (i.e. him!).

So here we are, having sent off the paperwork to tell the council we now have two empty bedrooms to pay bedroom tax on and it turns out that he will probably be back here by Tuesday (if he can arrange transport for his stuff) and we are back to just one spare! The darn council are going to think he is a yoyo LOL

Meanwhile Enticing_thorn also has problems inasmuch as C is now working and does over the limit on hours so can't sign on to get benefits- however he doesn't work long enough hours to earn enough to live on! No idea what she is going to do about it but hope she solves the problem before they starve as we can't help her at all (that darn bedroom tax strikes again).

family news

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