[IM Log] the reason Alma's pregnant

May 15, 2010 07:06

wishlesscat: /alma stretched out on the bed, most likely in yuu's shirt
not much modesty, as per usual in yuu's private company/

felinewishes: "/facepalm/ Alma clothes"

">: Why?"

"Because other people live here--not just me. /also not totally looking at Alma, this is so weird/"

"But the door's closed!"

"It had better fucking be. Alma, shouldn't you be ... /vague handgestures something about modesty and protecting women's purity. sob this is only more confusing/"

"/shifts onto belly./ Yuu... Does it really matter?"

"/sits on the bed/ It.. should. /tailflick/"

"/rolls towards him, don't mind how the shirt rides up like that/ But we're lovers."

"[trying not to look at the view] Yes.. but that's not your body... You're supposed to do things differently with a woman."

"But this is my body! Even if it... is different. /looks away then back at him/ When you were human I didn't mind it... "

"But that.. [looks at Alma, trying to keep eyes on face.] That was just... [frustrated sigh] It's weird seeing you like this.. It's like you're not ... you. Or something. It's stupid and weird."

"[pouts at him. sits up and moves closer to him and wraps his arms around his neck] Yuu, don't be modest! Think of it like... exploring new lands! With me.

"Tch.... You are so cheesy. [even with the scowl and strong front, he's hesitant when he wraps his arms around her waist, leaning his forehead against Alma's.] ... Do you even know what you're doing?"

"You love me for it. [ears perk up and tail twitches] Mhm? What do you think I'm doing? [might be sitting in your lap now]"

"Unfortunately. [y-you're all softer in weird places. growls and kisses]"
kitfallen (3:50:54 AM): pffft oh lord. people.

"Grumpy! [Snickers and kisses him back, pressing herself a bit closer]"

"You love it, idiot. [presses against to deepen the kiss--oi boobs.]"

"I never said I didn't~. [Consider them pillows, no need to oi. Shifts a little so that she's straddling his hips more now.]"

"Good~ [weirdly placed pillows. still, foreward approah is Kanda's way, so running a hand under the loose shirt and tugging it up a bit. kiss on the neck]"

"[Starts to purr, tilting her neck to the side for him. Arches her back when the shirt is pulled up. Oh look, no underwear either."

"[running his hands along her sides, mapping the new curves, and gives her neck a nip] You were just trying to get me to bed, weren't you? [earflick]"

"[tail swish] You can always say no. [still. elicits a soft moan at the nipping.]"

"[licks at the nipped spot, then does it again, making sure to leave a mark this time.] You would just talk me into it anyway, idiot. [hear the bit of grin to it?]"

"[Begins to lick a spot on Yuu's neck slowly, still purring at Yuu's attentions to her own neck. ] Oh, you have me all figured out. [Slides a hand under the other's shirt, lightly dragging her nails over his skin.]"

"I should by now. [a low groan with a purr edge to it at the nails, moves his way up to nip at one of Alma's ears, more cautiously snaking a hand up to explore those new warm 'pillows']"

"[Her ear twitches at the nip as Alma continues to keep her hand exploring Kanda's chest. And maybe his pants line. The touch on her chest makes her breath hitch and she pushes her chest into the touch.]"

"[twitches his tail and purrs at her attentions. leaning back slightly to see her face--make sure he's not hurting Alma or something, as he kneads them first.]"

"[just the opposite - her face is colored pink, mouth slightly open in a pant. it never takes alma long to become flustered.] O-Oh..."

"Good? [soft sort of smirk, kissing the corner of her mouth as he runs his thumbs over the nipples.]"

"Mhmm... [A flustered nod, kissing him back. Her fingers play with the button and zipper on his pants while the other hand starts to push away his shirt. Or at least, she tries. Her fingers are trembling, already hot and bothered.]"

"[smoothes his hands over her, stealing one hand away to attempt to help with his own clothes--Alma's wearing too little Kanda's still got too much on. Gives up with one handed buttons and just shoves his shirt off, tossing it out of their way, giving a kiss to her collarbone. So flustered up already~]"

"[Is this anything new? Runs a hand down his now bare chest, fingers dipping past his pants line.] Nhn, Yuu..."

"[At least he knows Alma is still Alma, regardless of gender. A rough purr and presses up against her and her hands, nosing at her jaw, tugging her closer to him.] Alma."

"[Moves her hips against him slowly, still working on his pants and being successful. She searches for his lips and kisses him.]"

"[kisses her back wiith a moan, grinding a bit into her hips and it's a bit distracting--and exciting, not that he'll admit it--how they're different than normal with Alma. tries to lift his hips and wiggle to get out of those pants, while tugging up and trying to get his own shirt off of Alma now]"

"[Shifts to help him, leaning forward and giving him a nice view as she helps pull off his pants and throw them to the floor along with his underwear. When they're both dressed in their birthday suits she goes back to moving her hips against his slowly, only pushing against him for now.]"

"[one hand in her hair and the other on her lower back, he takes in the view for a moment. it hits him more real for a moment the change, before grinding back up against her shallowing an embarrassing sound for it all] Al.. ma. Alma. We need... because I'm not.. kittens, Alma. You're a girl."

"[She swallows hard, thighs trembling from holding back.] Do we... even have any? [Her ears folded back for a moment before one flicked back front. Continues to slowly grind against him, not finding it in her willpower to stop."

"I.. don't even know. [bites his lip even as a noise escapes slightly from the back of his throat, want and frustration. he tugs on her hair, come for a kiss at least. because that will help us think. yes. Kanda's reasoning is flawless.]"

"[In between kissing she speaks, voice hot] What... are the chances? I'm only temporarily... a girl, after all. Maybe it's impossible. [Nibbles on his lower lip, so tempted to just forget the grinding and get down to it already.]"

"[lets his other hand roam along her ribs and then down on her thighs and fuck Kanda doesn't want to backdown now of all times, kisses down her jaw and along her neck again, speaking into the skin there] Those things.. don't last.. that.. long, I think. ...Fuck."

"[Puts a hand on the back of his neck and her other over the one on her thigh, squeezing it. She smiles, face still flushed.] We'll be alright. [But she wouldn't take the next step unless he did first.]"

"[rubs his thumb along the inside of her thigh, givinig it a squeeze.] ... We're fucking retarded...but whatever. ...Do you need.. stretching or.. it's been awhile since... [slipping that hand down further feeling out what's there, don't mind the fierce blush on his face now.]"

"I don't... Do girls need that? [Bites her lower lip, breath catching in her throat when his hand disappears. Between her legs she's already wet and throbbing. Along with him her face matches his.] Y-Yuu..."

"Not all of them? [This is still frustrating but at least there's distraction now--like how warm the folds are and where that little nub is--which is what he runs his fingers over first, rubbing just lightly. Girls like that, right?]"

"Oh- Ah! [She does, obviously. Pushes her face against his shoulder, body trembling for a moment. Her tail sticks up against her back as her ears fall back.] Nngn..."

"Oh gods... [Okay that was really just--yea, repeating his motions in little circles, with his ears perked. And okay he can't take much more of this either, slipping a finger down inside, turning his head to press a hot kiss to her temple] Still good?"

"[A fevered nod, moving her hips against his hand. Panting now.] Oh Yuu... Yuu..."

"[trying for two, then three, just to make sure, thrusting them with the motion of her hips. He doesn't remember if there's anything else special women needed. He's bothered enough just by he friction of her hips on top of his, and runs his other hand along her back and sides, raking his nails just slightly] Nnrg... Alma, ready?"

"[With her hands on his sides she looked up at him and rested her forehead against his.] Yeah... I'm ready. [She spoke in a raspy and hot voice.]"

"[kisses her hard and presses into her, trying to go slow--but gods. Letting out a hitched breath] ..Holy fucking shit, Alma.... [So different but also somehow the same, different muscles and angle but still Alma's warmth and feel.] G-good? [wets his lips, folding his ears backward and tembling trying not to move until she's okay]

"Ah, ah! [Lets out a loud moan, not even bothering to be quiet. Her grip on Kanda's side tightens but otherwise she seems fine. Against his lips she whispers hotly.] I-... 'm not glass, Yuu~. [Pushes down on him, egging him on to move in rythm with her.]"

"No.. but you're.. a woman. [gives up trying to explain his views on women ever again, especially when Alma insists on giving other genders a test drive.] Shut up. [Alma sitting on top lets her set the rhythm which Kanda is quite ready to follow with a twist of his hips. Still in the habit of shallowing his sounds but moaning against her lips seems to be a fine alternative. His clean hand tangles back in her hair while the other roams over her skin.]

"[Alma moans as well, body curving at his touches, her tail twitching against her back. She just wants to move faster and bites down on his lip a little before whispering hotly in between breaths a, 'Faster'.]"

"[gives a low sound at the bite and shifts to move faster and harder. He reaches down to get her tail a tug, kissing her with more a pant then anything.]"

"[She lets out a miaow when he tugs her tail before she can stop herself. Pulling away from the kiss she bows her head and closes her eyes and just concentrates on pushing him farther inside with each quick thrust. Her moans become more high pitched with each movement, keeping her hands on him to steady herself.]"

"[Runs his hands up and down her sides, unable to keep swallowing all of his moans. There's a nice deep rumbly one right there. He tries to knead one of her breasts with a hand but it's clumsy and he's concentrating more on following where she leads for this time, wanting her reach her peak first.]"

"[after a few minutes of heavy panting and loud moans she buries her face into the crook of his neck, letting out another high pitched moan. It's then that she hits her top and her body trembles from the aftershock.]"

"[He follows soon after, not ready for the squeeze of her new muscles and he gasps something that could have been Alma's name followed by an array of curses. Let's just lean against each other for a moment because Kanda's not moving all too quickly. He rumbles a bit stroking his hands along her back absently]"

"[She nuzzles his neck before beginning to kiss it. A purr starts in the back of her throat] Yuu..."

"[tilts his head lazily for her, the answering rumble building up to a proper purr.] Mmrr [could probably try laying down now. He shifts his hips to pull out as well as tug her down to lay on the bed.]"

"[Moves along with him, pulling herself closer to snuggle against him. wraps her legs around his, ears folded back in contentment. their chests pushed together she can almost feel his heartbeat against her skin. mumbles into his skin.] That was fun."

"[curls his tail around one of her ankles and wraps his arms around her. Pretending he's not cuddling. :| You're kind of even shorter like this, though, it's a different fit laying together but he likes that they fit together anyway. He's smiling like he does sometimes like this, too out of it to care just yet] It was different.. and fun. ...You're not hurt, right?"

"Mhm, nope. [less pain than when she was a guy anyways. Cranes her neck up to give him a kiss.] I love you."

"Che good. [kisses her, enjoying her taste on that after high a bit] I love you too, idiot. [adds on the last bit with a smirk]"

"[Rubs her leg against his as she smirks back at his quirky addition to his confession. Bites his lip teasingly.]"

"[earscritches for you, with a nip back and another smirk more soft at the edges.]"

"[giggles a little, continuing to purr. noses him]"

"[noses back, hi there <3 and snorts amusedly at the giggle] You're such a girl. [purrs back, finger combing some of her hair]"

"For once you're right. [Licks his nose, still giggling a little. Plays with a strand of his hair.]"

"I'm always right. [earflick and licks her lips, going back to stroking her back up and down.]"

"Of course, Yuu~, [Grins at him and moves suddenly, pushing him on his back to sit on his hips again. chest pushed out and cheeks still flushed from earlier she's a sight. runs her hands down his chest.]"

"Oof. [his eyes dip to that chest and flustered body for a moment before flickering back up to her red face. He licks his lips, tilting his head a bit with his eyebrows quirked up]"

"[She says nothing, just smiles down at him before leaning down to press a series of kisses down his chest and to his belly button. Guess where she's heading?]"

alma karma, yuu kanda, !ic - dgmdr

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