Feb 13, 2009 16:16
So yes, I got a new job. It is nothing exiting or thrilling, but it pays. I am the Receptionist at Leader Mortgage in beautiful East Arlington. My commute is a whopping 7 minute walk. It's temporary, but it will be enough for Steven and I to get comfortable again and allow me to put money away for yoga teacher training and for getting my certificate in Holistic Nutrition. So woot for that!
XMortis tonight!! Oh yeah, we are going to be there!
Anyone else obsessed with that cell phone commercial for the Blackberry that flips closed so there is no more butt-dialing? "Aw, guess who it is?? Your Butt!" It cracks me up every. freakin. time. Apparantly I need to get out more.
Hope to see people tonight. Have to figure out what the hell to wear, I am totally out of practice.
"My Butt just hung up on you!"