Because the other three are figments of your f#%@ing imagination!

Jul 21, 2005 12:27

WARNING, WARNING! This will be yet another in a series of entries where I talk about things of no importance whatsoever.

With that said, let me begin.

I have a shiny new layout and yet another shiny new icon. The icon is from iconographic. I really love that girl's stuff. I also have a new layout to go with it.
Speaking of icons, I'm thinking of starting up an icon journal. Why? Well, first of all, I have a batch of Runaways icons to show off (once I finish them, that is) and besides, I'd been thinking of making one for a while.

Speaking of journals that aren't this one, the Jot Junkie website (the bigger version of my writing journal, jotjunkie, if you will) is about 85% done. The content's almost all finished, it's just that I decided I need to make the layout. It should be up in a day or two. All my writing, even the crap, from '99 to now. Fanfics, originals, short stories, lyrics. Every single one. Ph34r.

Also, some of you might be missing my posts on FFX. (I don't know why you would, but hey, I don't judge.)
They have disappeared because my gameplay has come to a halt...sort of. Why? I decided to get the Ultimate Weapons. I am a fucking masochist. You see, what I didn't realize about getting the Ultimate Weapons was that it was going to take a lot more work than I realized -- I just figured it would take me a few days, at most. Oh, naive me. Instead, it's taken me weeks. So I'm about to throw in the towel on that wrestling match. After I get Yuna and Auron's weapons, that's it. I'll build custom ones for Wakka, Tidus, and Kimhari. Then I will kick Sin's tail (pun not intended).

I would say things about HP fandom, but they're not coming out like I want them to. So I won't. Well, no, I have one thing to say: I've never been happier I'm not that involved in Pottermania.

writing, ffx, games, icons, harry potter

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