Awesome meme snagged from
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we've never spoken) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.
It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.
Also, yeah, I'm doing that Christmas wish-list meme. But because I have hangups about people spending money on me, I'm just asking for fandom related stuff, so your wallets need not fear.
* James (Animorphs) fanfic. Words cannot express how much I want this. But if you're writing it, please deal with James's disability, and how he's coping with not being disabled anymore. I haven't even seen this mentioned in the few fics I found about him, and it's driving me nuts. Also, I'd like some indication that Jake actually cares about and/or worries for James, a sign that the kid means more to him than just cannon fodder. I know that would be hard to pull off, with Jake being Ever So Depressed at that point in the series, but if you can do this I'll love you forever.
* A Marco/Ax fic that isn't about Marco or Ax at all, but Eva's reaction to their relationship. Or, in other words, an Eva fic with just a little Marco/Ax in it. Like, very little...unless you want to squeeze in a scene between Eva and Ax and turn me into your squeeing slavegirl.
* A story where Marco and Ax get in a fight, sometime during or after 54. It doesn't have to be shipfic, they just have to fight about their cracktastic behavior in that book. That's all I ask for.
* Melissa/Tom fic, post-war. I dare you to make it fluffy.
* Ron/Luna friendship fic, set during HBP. Or maybe very, very soon after.
* Cowboy Bebop: Something about Spike and Ed. Angsty, fun, weird, I don't care as long as they don't hook up or Spike comes back from the dead.
* H2G2: I want a story about Random bonding with her parents, especially Trillian. However, I would also settle for Random and Ford having wacky adventures. I just want Random fics. =(
* Video game recommendations. It's not like I need more things to distract me from school, but I've been thinking that I need to expand my horizons beyond Final Fantasy and Zelda.
* Pimp me some manga, people. I haven't read anything in a good long while.
* Oh, and pimp me some books about feminism and/or gender roles, too. I'd like that.
Feel free to do or write any of them, or do or write none of them. I don't really care.