New layout and new icon. w00t.
<3 for "Flexible Squares". Much love.
EDIT: Sometimes, I wonder how many people assume I'm a skinny blonde thing just because I use a lot of Buffy icons. I know I sort of do that with people's icons. For the record, I like to think that in real life, I look
Amy Acker, but according to friends I'm either an
Alanis Morissette doppleganger or a female
Howard Stern (though that one's usually said when those friends are cruising for a bruising).
Oh, and enjoy
the geek hierarchy, y'all.
EDIT X2: My new journalism teacher wants to cure me of my love for Jon Stewart. I laugh at the poor naive woman. My love for that man, and his program, knows no bounds. None, I say! This just makes me miss Mrs. Smith.