062// step into a world

Oct 25, 2011 15:45

I’ll keep this short. Guards and Greeters, it’s been a pleasure and an honor to work with you. You’ve all worked tirelessly over the past few years to acclimate and protect our new arrivals, as well as pitching in during times of crisis. This place is only better for all your dedication.

But I can’t stay. There’s a war going on at home, and I need to see it through to the end; I’ve spent a long time and sacrificed far too much to do otherwise. I wish you the best wherever you wind up, and I know you’ll continue to conduct yourselves in the same exemplary manner you always have.

[Except you, Lezard]

To my friends and family; if I can come back to visit, I will. But I have responsibilities I’ve left sitting for far too long. As important as you all are to me, this isn’t something I can turn my back on. If there’s a way home, then I have to take it.

[Here, she pauses; normally she would simply sign her name, but for someone as private as her, sharing a little of her history is a gift she can give those she’s leaving behind.]

Shihouin Yoruichi
Former Commander of Covert Ops
Former Commander of the Punishment Brigade
Former Captain of the 2nd Division of the 13 Imperial Court Divisions
Princess and 22nd head of House Shihouin

goddess of war, aizengard hooooooo, still falling, queen b speaketh and whatnot

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