Just some rambling. Go figure.

Apr 22, 2007 21:51

Man, I need to make a new layout. But this one is so pretty. :( And took me for freaking ever. That's my thing. I can make great looking stuff... if I by some miracle have the patience to work on it for 8+ hours. Which I usually don't. Unless I have a muse riding me with the words pouring out. Then I can be in a word processing program for easily 4 hours at a time if not more. But this layout's over a year old, I know that much. If nothing else I need to update the sidebar. But I would like to make a new one. Hm. Same style probably, or try another dual sidebar one again.

I can't believe I haven't written any Orli/Jared yet. Shame on me. Or at least some Troy/Alexander shit. Mmm, the blue outfits that I will always, always love. Siiigh, Eric. Poor thing crashed his prized car this weekend. Inner Eric cried. I'm mildly crazy, I know. But hey, muses do these things. And my muses have always been very intent about having voices of their own. You know how people get with music, how they say they're just the vessel and it comes though them rather than from them? Yeah, writing's like that for me sometimes. I'd like to think music would be the same if I ever get off my ass and play my guitar, or when I get the money saved up to buy myself a violin so I can start that back up again.

But man. So much to work on. Need to hunt for the next chapters for Switch and Risen, maybe whip up the next one in the slave!J series since I was just contemplating one earlier -- so need to figure out if it's going to take it's own route or take from the PHM set that I was going to do -- and just do another for that table anyway. Definitely need to do at least one for it that's either got lycans or vamps, no question. I just don't want to take the easy way out and have that one be for the blood play prompt because god, that could go so many ways. There's another Trent/Jared in my head somewhere that popped up earlier in the week but's gone back into hiding. Should see if I can get something to come for the one wolf!Tomo verse. Or fallen!verse. God, I need to figure out how to start that. Officially start it. Cause I know he falls prior to writing ABL because 'Savior' and 'Battle' are going to come out of that experience and the fallout from it. I just don't know if angel!J could come up with the S/T. Sigh, me and my need to fit things into what preexists. Yes, creative license is fun, but I like to at least have a shred of reality that remains, or is possible. Probably why I have never written crack!fic because even when the bunnies go crazy I still managed to find some semblance of a rule in there.

Maybe I'll try and work on the AU one that's set in the 14th Century. I was rereading the first chapter the other day and the muse is definitely still with me. There's still loose storylines in my head for where things can go. I just don't know when I'll start posting that puppy. Probably once at least one of the others is finished. I've got enough singles coming out of me, I don't need half a dozen open chaptered pieces. They might exist on the computer, but that's another story. lol. Oh god, or there's the two crossovers with SPN. My muses, I swear. They're never quiet. Never ever. Unless they mute themselves to make me murderous when I go to try and write, after they've been harassing me for an hour.

Hm. I think I shall just chill for a little bit, then see if anything comes to me. If nothing else, I'll screw around with graphics and go through random bookmarks. Just something to give me the illusion of being busy more than playing card games on my computer for awhile.
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