Sep 03, 2008 20:48
Alright, I'm not even going to fool myself into thinking that I'll be back here for too long, I always seem to end up somewhere else, but anyway. Updates as to why I haven't been on for a long time.
1) I was in school. New York Institute of Massage.
2) I graduated said school early August.
3) I took the state exam to become a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) in the state of New York.
4) I just got a job. It's nothing much, just working at JCPenny's, but it'll make some money until I get the results from my exam and find a place to actually do my new career.
5) I'm lazy. Granted this has nothing to do with anything, other than I haven't been bothered.
On a side note, I've joined a clan. No, not the torch-wielding kind, it's in a game. Call of Duty 4. A while ago I joined the Lethal Brigade (or =LB=) clan of gamers. It's a friends-first clan, so it's fun to be in, and they don't mind that I suck at the game.
No developments as to personal relationships, and I doubt there will be soon. I'm planning on moving to Las Vegas sometime next year, though an actual date has yet to be set. We (that is myself and my mother) are hoping it'll be mid-2009. As an LMT, I could easily work for a spa or hotel, or under another LMT.
That's all for now. I figure it's enough