Title: Promotion
Pairing/Characters: Archie Kennedy, John "Jack" Hammond, Charles Orrock; Archie/Horatio, Charles/Jack
Rating: G, maybe PG
Fandom: Horatio Hornblower
Word Count: 808
Spoilers: For Loyalty.
Summary: Archie understands why promotion was as important to Pellew as it was to the officers being promoted.
Notes/Warnings: Written as a sequel to my fics
Commendations, and
Sea Legs. Beta by
Captain Archibald Kennedy watched from the quarterdeck of his ship, the Courser, as acting lieutenant John 'Jack' Hammond set out in the jollyboat to take his exam. Now twenty, the curly-haired lad who'd panicked at the sight of French troops was a seasoned officer who'd been tried and tested in many battles since then and proved his worth over and over again. Archie couldn't be prouder of the young man if he were his own son.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his second lieutenant, Charles Orrock, standing at the railing, watching the jollyboat pull for shore. Kennedy knew without being told that the two young men had come to an understanding and would stand by each other as much as they could in the service. It was the sort of bond condemned by the Articles of War as well as the church, but one Archie couldn't condemn because he shared a similar relationship with Captain Horatio Hornblower of the Redoubtable.
Besides, in four years, he had caught the two young men violating Article XXIX only once. Even then, it had not been a compromising position: simply two boys kissing in the orlop. First lieutenant Kennedy--William Bush had been given his own command after the Battle of Trafalgar--had chosen to interpret the scene as he wished, "While I'm pleased that Mr Orrock is such a dedicated teacher, Mr Hammond, I suggest further lessons of this nature be confined to shore leaves and conducted with discretion. You wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea, would you?"
Faces scarlet with embarrassment, the acting lieutenant and midshipman had shaken their heads and slunk away, though Archie had seen the curiosity in their eyes. He was glad they hadn't questioned their good fortune and had remained discreet afterwards. Junior officers did not question their superiors, after all. Unless, of course, the junior officer had an understanding with said superior officer. Then it was all right to question the aforementioned officer, but only behind closed doors.
At any rate, Archie was confident that John Hammond would pass his exam. He'd faced harsher tests in his years of service and passed those. Plus, he knew for a fact that Orrock had been helping his friend study for the exam, as he had helped him learn his duties when the younger man had first entered the service. It had worked in the past and was bound to work now.
* * *
When Hammond returned early in the evening, he was smiling despite his effort to hide it. Orrock met him as he climbed aboard, clearly asking how it had gone. A nod of the curly head was answered with a clap on the shoulder that would have sent Hammond sprawling four years earlier. Now, however, the shorter man kept his feet and simply smiled in reply. Gleaning his answer from Orrock's actions, Archie waited on the quarterdeck for Hammond to report to him, which he did with all due speed, managing a serious expression as he saluted. "Come aboard, Sir."
"Thank you, Mr Hammond," Archie accepted the papers the young man offered him, seeing for himself that he had passed his exam handily. "According to these papers, however, you are out of uniform."
"I am, Sir?" Hammond gazed at his captain in puzzlement. Over his shoulder, Orrock was grinning broadly, understanding in his grey eyes.
"Mmm-hmm." Archie nodded, producing the scissors from the sewing kit his steward kept. "Mr Orrock, would you care to do the honours?"
"Aye-aye, Sir!" Still grinning like a loon, the second lieutenant took the scissors and removed the midshipman flashes from Hammond's collar. Once he finished, he placed them in his fellow lieutenant's hand, murmuring something that was apparently meant for only Hammond's ears, which turned pink.
Once Orrock had returned the scissors and stepped back, Archie addressed his third lieutenant for the first time. "You may have shore leave to celebrate your good fortune and buy a new uniform. I'm sure Mr Orrock can recommend a good tailor who won't cheat you of all your money and a good inn to cheat you of what the tailor leaves behind."
"Aye-aye, Sir." Hammond couldn't quite hide a grin as he saluted, thought he made a valiant effort to do so. "Thank you, Sir."
"Just be back in time for tomorrow evening's watch," Archie ordered, hiding a paternal smile.
Nodding, the two lieutenants disappeared below to get their things for shore leave. As he watched them leave in the jollyboat, Archie understood why Admiral Pellew had taken such an interest in the careers of the men who'd served under him. They became just as dear as family, perhaps more so because they knew what the Naval life was like. He rather liked the feeling and planned to nourish it as long as he could.