Title: Rescue
Pairing/Characters: Stephen Maturin, female!Tom Pullings, Jack Aubrey, William Mowett, Peter Calamy, female!William Blakeney, Barrett Bonden; Pullings/Mowett
Rating: G
Fandom: Master and Commander, Star Wars
Word Count: 936
Spoilers: None, really
Summary: Even a Jedi Knight needs to be rescued on occasion.
Notes/Warnings: Written for
mithen as a hobbit!birthday present. She asked for Master and Commander AU. I like the idea of space AUs, especially for AoS naval fandoms. Rather than go with a Star Trek-esque AU, though, I decided to go with Star Wars. It's somewhat inspired by Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG. No Beta.
The Jedi didn't stir at the sounds of fighting outside the room where he was being held captive. He continued to kneel in his cell, eyes closed as he meditated. At the sound of someone dying, he opened his eyes and looked up. A small, wiry Republic soldier stood over the crumpled heap of guard, a fibercord rope dangling from a removed ceiling panel indicated how she had managed to enter without being detected and the vibroblade knife in her right hand dripped with blood. Even as the other guard looked around, the soldier drew the blaster on her right hip and shot him. Flipping her long dark brown hair back over her shoulder, the soldier holstered her blaster and moved to the control panel by the Jedi's cell. "Hang on, Jedi, we'll have you out soon."
"We, soldier?" The Jedi's voice was hoarse from disuse and dehydration. He pointedly looked around the room. "I just see you."
The doors to the detention block opened then, admitting a tall, barrel-chested soldier brandishing a blaster cannon, golden blond hair swept back from his scarred face. "I knew I could count on you, Spectre."
"Always, Commander." She tossed him a jaunty salute, the scar across her face twisting a little as she smiled. "Multitool, get your gorgeous ass in here. I can't figure out the control panel."
Another soldier, not quite as tall the commander, but of a similar build, entered, sandy brown hair a tousled mess. "I'm coming, Tam. Had to open the door. Not everyone can wriggle through the ducts like you."
"I know." She bumped his hip with hers. "That's why we keep you around."
The commander shook his head slightly. "Save the flirting for later, you two. Demolisher!"
"Right here, Commander." A fourth soldier entered, small and wiry like Spectre, though his eyes were brown to her green, his dark brown hair cut short, and he had some scarring on the right side of his face. "How big an explosion do you want?"
He spread his big hands expansively. "As big as you can make it."
"Yes, Sir!" Demolisher nodded, hoisting his bag over his shoulder and heading to the far corner of the room.
The Jedi blinked in surprise when the forcefield around his cell dropped. Grinning, Spectre kissed Multitool's cheek. "Ha! Knew you could do it!"
"As if there was any doubt." Multitool offered his hand to the Jedi, who took it gratefully.
Another soldier appeared then, a small, petite woman with curly blonde hair. "There's your patient, Medico."
"So I see, Commander." She approached the Jedi as he stood unsteadily between Spectre and Multitool and scanned him. "Malnutrition and dehydration. Not very creative of the Imps."
Reaching into her bag, she handed him a bottle of water. He took it and drank in slow sips, barely noticing when she injected him with a stim of some kind. Next to him, Spectre commented, "As if the Imps are known for being creative, Mina."
"Good point, Tam." Medico administered another stim that must have been an adrenal, because the Jedi felt much more awake now.
The commander approached then, leaving yet another soldier by the door. This one was muscular and broad-shouldered, impatiently brushing his dark blond hair out of his face. Hoisting the blaster cannon over his shoulder, the commander extended his hand. "Jedi Knight Maturin?"
"Yes, Stephen Maturin." He shook the proffered hand. "May I know who my rescuers are?"
He grinned, thumping his chest with his fist. "Commander Jack Aubrey, at your service. The lovely lady to your right is my second-in-command, Captain Tamsyn Pullings, our expert in infiltration and assassination."
"I saw that first hand," Stephen commented, glancing at the two dead guards.
Aubrey nodded, amused. "The gentleman to your left is Lieutenant William Mowett, our resident expert in gadgets and gizmos."
"Thank you for getting me out of that cell," Stephen told the lieutenant solemnly.
Mowett smiled, squeezing Stephen's arm. "Glad to help, Master Maturin."
"Not a master, Lieutenant," he quietly corrected. "Just a knight."
Aubrey cleared his throat. "Lieutenant Peter Calamy over there is our explosives and demolitions expert. Lieutenant Willamina Blakeney here is our medical officer and Sergeant Barrett Bonden is just damn good with a blaster. Together, we're Surprise Squad."
"I've heard of you." Stephen glanced around at the others, his brain starting to work now that he was no longer weak with hunger and thirst. "Why are you here and not one of the other squads?"
Aubrey took over supporting Stephen, leaving Pullings and Mowett to help Calamy and Blakeney finish clearing up the room. "It would seem rescuing you was pretty tough job. Fortunately, that's what Surprise Squad does best."
"Thank you very much for the rescue." He meant it. Stephen had pretty much given up hoping that any rescue would come after so long.
Bonden preceded them through the base, Pullings at his side. Blakeney remained near Stephen, monitoring the Jedi's health. Calamy and Mowett brought up the rear. When they emerged, they headed for the shuttle field nearby. He was glad it was nearby. The adrenal Blakeney had given him was wearing off. The moment they were aboard the shuttle, the others scattered to their posts while Aubrey and Blakeney escorted Stephen to the medbay. He sighed deeply as he laid back on the bed. It felt so good to stretch out. "Rest, Jedi Maturin. We'll take care of you."
On the edge of sleep, Stephen wondered if he imagined the big hand brushing over his short dark hair. He dismissed it the next moment, sinking into a deep, restful sleep.