Moving in and fansgaming

Aug 28, 2009 15:58

 So, I've gotten moved into my dorm at Frostburg. I'm getting used to it, the others are nice and I'd say I'm adapting pretty well. :) We'll see how classes and living with my roomie will go, but it shouldn't be too bad. There's also a Chinese place not too far away that has delicious gyoza, so that'll help keep my non-American food-loving tastebuds happy. Mmmm~

Also, I found an old CD that had Duo Maxwell's songs Wild Wing Boys, Kitto OK! and Goodluck and Goodbye. I haven't heard them in years; I'd lost them when my dad cleaned out our family's PoS Dell before we moved, so BONUS HAPPINESS for me. Seki Toshihiko, you sing so prettily~~

In manga-related news...


Holy SHIT Aizen. Just when I thought you couldn't be more sexy and AWESOME and GOD, you show up with your sexy glasses and destroy Barrangan's whole ARMY and make him obey you. UNF UNF UNF YOU'RE GOD, AIZEN.


Honestly, I still hate what's going on right now. :/ At least Gaara's still kick ass and he & the other Kages don't trust Danzo at ALL. Seriously, Sasuke needs to DIE and Naruto & Sakura need to stop whining and bitching over him. Sasuke fucking SUCKS, dammit. I want Itachi back. >_<

Katekyo Hitman Reborn

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This made my WEEKEND!! Tsuna's acting more like a Boss by protecting Uni, Uni's said FUCK YOU MILLEFIORE and won't surrender (and hates the potential price she's paying, awww D: ). Squalo and Hibari were AWESOME as they went to town on Byakuran's men. Spanner's alive and safe. ...........Then Mukuro showed up.

ROKUDO MOTHERFUCKIN' MUKURO. With his trident and sexy confidence and EVERYTHING.

Amano Akira-sama, I love you. Please continue to have KHR be the one manga that doesn't piss me off and makes me adore you even more. (And please have Gamma lead a Black Spell rebellion, go to Uni and be SO HAPPY their princess is back... andmakeGammaUni'sfather, because it'd be so fucking cute beyond belief. >_>)

So yes, a great end to a hectic week. Hopefully Michi will sign on and we can fangasm/nerd-out together (I'm taking a history course on Imperial Russia, HAHA Michi!! >D)

reborn, college, naruto, bleach

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