Nov 10, 2005 21:56
wow, that was the most rewarding thing i've done all day.
erica and i were sitting at the table while i ate and we were talking about a lot of different things. somewhere during the conversation she mentioned that she would rule the world if she had a penis. that led to me commenting that she would probably teabag and/or cockslap me if she did. this led to much hilarity and an incredibly dirty diagram being drawn on my brand new white board.
once we recovered from our bout of insanity, the conversation moved to more serious things, but before she retired to her room, we spruced up the drawing with some finer details, entitling the finished piece, "Willy is FREE" by erica and shannon.
it can be seen to this day on the whiteboard beside my door. i wish i had a camera so that i could take a picture of it. <3 i hope it stays there until summer comes home. or janesha. either way, it is sure to be funny.
now to set my printAr up. !!!